
De Blasio has ‘no plan’ for return of indoor dining in NYC

Mayor Bill de Blasio bluntly said he has “no plan” for the return of indoor dining in New York City, citing a link between eating inside and a resurgence of the coronavirus in other parts of the world.

“Indoor dining, there’s not a plan right now,” de Blasio said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” Friday.

A Manhattan caller named Sharon had asked the mayor if there was any possibility that restaurants would be fully reopened this year. Right now, they’re only allowed to have outdoor seating or takeout.

“There’s not a context for indoor dining. We’re never saying it’s impossible. But we do not, based on what we’re seeing around the world, we do not have a plan for reopening indoor dining in the near term,” de Blasio said.

Indoor dining in New York City is shut down in perpetuity.  Most restaurants are incapable of operating off street dining or takeout, so any restaurant owner holding out hope that they could reopen just threw in the towel.

Dining in New York City, once the fine dining capital of America, is dead.


Husband is left paralyzed after being hit by stray bullet when he insisted on walking to the store with his new wife to hold her umbrella in gentrified Brooklyn as gun violence in NYC spirals out of control

An innocent bystander who was shot in broad daylight in Brooklyn on Wednesday will likely never walk again after a bullet struck his spine while he walked with his wife to buy toothpaste from a nearby store.

The tragic shooting is one of several incidents of gun violence in New York City, where homicides surged by 29 per cent to 244 from January 1 to August 2 from the same period last year.

The five boroughs have also seen an 84.6 per cent rise in shooting victims to 1,017 during those dates compared with the same period in 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Go out on a street in a nice neighborhood in New York City and get shot in the spine and end up a paraplegic.

Now tell me, even when COIVD travel restrictions are lifted (if they are ever lifted), why would a tourist ever want to visit NYC ever again.

They would literally have a better chance of getting shot in the spine than getting a table at a nice restaurant.

In 10 years, NYC will look like the worst parts of Detroit.

The Democrats will have done to New York what Bin Laden and the Mullahs couldn’t have accomplished in their wildest dreams.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “De Blasio has made sure there is no reason for a tourist to ever go to NYC ever again”
  1. “The Democrats will have done to New York what Bin Laden and the Mullahs couldn’t have accomplished in their wildest dreams”

    When you say it like that, you make it sound like that’s a bad thing……….
    …..from the perspective of “Our Betters”.

    Sucks to be a working stiff stuck in NYFC.

  2. What “link” is he sighting? What info “from around the world” is he basing his statement or claim that indoor dining causes spikes? And even if there is actual evidence of said “link” is it an increase in just cases or actual deaths? Because that’s a big difference that all the politicians and talking heads keep obfuscating to scare people and justify their violation of our Rights.

    1. Perhaps he’s still listening to the Chinese controlled WHO? The head of that organization is stating that he thinks we might be over the China Virus in TWO MORE YEARS….Personally, I’m surprised Cuomo hasn’t put out a hit on De Blabbio so he can install a mayor that isn’t determined to kill the city outright. I wonder where the major players will move to when staying becomes untenable? The Stock Exchange could possibly move to Houston!

    2. Death rate is dropping like a rock. Only the number of cases detected is growing and probably due to a push to inflate the numbers in order to maintain fear and control of the sheep.

    3. >is it an increase in just cases or actual deaths?

      That’s what I’d like to know, cause all I’m ever hearing about is how high the cases are, not that the hospitals are overflowing or that bodies are piling up in the streets. Weren’t we supposed to have millions dead by now, even with the full lockdown?

  3. Restaurants are for decadent capitalists, comrade DeBlasio doesn’t want that. Breadlines are all you need.

  4. I haven’t been to NYFC since the late ’70s. I had family there until around then. Nowadays, you couldn’t pay me enough to go.

    The Democrats will have done to New York what Bin Laden and the Mullahs couldn’t have accomplished in their wildest dreams.

    Well, communists are good at that. It’s infinitely easier to destroy something than build it, and commies just aren’t smart enough to build anything. Have you ever heard of a bigger oxymoron than “communist utopia?”

    I can see a “draft Rudy Giuliani” movement happening.

  5. C. Schwehr,
    The virus is evolving, as all RNA viruses do. It is splitting into detectable variants, and many of these variations are less virulent, and will hopefully be even less harmful as they continue to evolve over time.

    Occasionally there are viruses that evolve the other way, and become more virulent and more deadly, like the 1917 Flu appeared to do as it spread.

    Anecdote: A healthy, normal 35 y.o. friend had it in February and March (we think, but he never had a test because the CDC screwed up testing so badly at the beginning). He was really sick for two weeks, and then debilitated, lethargic, and miserable for another six weeks until May. Seeing his fight against the virus really scared my old, obese butt. Fast forward four months. Several of his 60-80 year old aunts and uncles got the Chinese Coronavirus a few weeks ago. They thankfully only had a fever and the sniffles for a week.


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