From WGXA:

Putnam County Sheriff says ‘these hoodlums make me sick’ after homeowner shoots burlgar

Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills says a homeowner on Thomas Dr. called 911 dispatch around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday about a man armed with a knife up a tree making a disturbance.

Deputies were dispatched to the home, but before they could arrive a second call came in from a next door neighbor alleging the suspect was attempting to break into their home.

Sills says Harrison picked up a dumbbell on the porch, threw it through the glass door, and made entrance to the home.

But the homeowner, armed with a .45 semi-automatic pistol, shot the suspect once in the arm. Harrison hit the kitchen floor and the owner held him their until deputies arrived.

A man armed with a knife smashes in a sliding glass door and enters a house after the homeowner called the cops.  Seems like a good shoot to me.

The deputies then attempted to detain Harrison and place him in cuffs, but Sills says the suspect battled with the deputies, splattering blood across the kitchen, breaking free, cussing at the officers, and running towards a door that he believed was an exit.

But Sills says Harrison didn’t realize the home was currently under construction and that the door no longer led to a back deck, causing Harrison to fall nine feet to the ground where deputies arrested him.

The officers had to use pepper spray to subdue Harrison and keep his feet in shackles to keep him from running.

Shot, fell nine feet, and still fought the cops enough to earn a face full of mace and leg shackles.  Hot damn, that boy had some fight in him.

“These hoodlums make me sick. He’s got a twenty-page raps heet and he’s over at the hospital, taking up a bed where someone more important, who might have coronavirus, might need it,” Sills said Wednesday.

Sometimes I really love a Southern sheriff.  Seems he’d much rather the homeowner had finished this career punk off and saved the hospital a lot of resources.

Blue states are disarming the citizenry so they can’t shoot the criminals taking advantage of the Coronacrisis to cause havoc.  Red state Sheriffs are implying that if you have to shoot the miscreant, make sure they can drag the body straight off to the morgue and spare the need for a hospital bed.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Dead men don’t take up hospital beds – a Southern Sheriff opines on home invasion during the Coronacrisis”
    1. Toast – would you really want organs from someone with that ‘resume’? I guess they would be better than nothing though……………………….

  1. I really hope there’s body cam footage of this, tuned to Benny Hill. Seriousness aside, it gave me a good laugh
    I’m sure once the homeowner cleans up the blood, he’s having a beer and a chuckle.

  2. If your only option is to shoot, double taps in the body.

    A home invader is the most dangerous rogue animal on Earth, and should be euthanized, when they attack.

  3. Another take away is that the home owner was prepared, armed, and ready and at closet range when the bag guy entered the home.

    The owner had the ability and likely did position themselves to their advantage.

    And they missed. They were aiming for center of mass and hit an arm. That’s 10 inches or more at 10 to 15 feet.

    On paper at 30ft I expect to put 8 rounds down range and have them all group in under 5 inches. That’s from the draw as the target turns with exposure of 4 seconds.

    Yes I know that is a long time. Regardless, practice! Under stress you don’t shoot as well as when squaring up against paper.

  4. “Hot damn, that boy had some fight in him.”
    My best guess is that the boy had some (or LOTS) of meth in him, possibly PCP. He probably didn’t even know he had been shot. I agree that the best course of action for the homeowner confronted by such a dangerous assailant is aim well, shoot to slide lock and reload. Reassess and proceed.

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