They are not even bother to hide it anymore.

Hmmm what could be the motive with elections so close? Is there anything else missing from this incredible piece of informative depiction?

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Fraudster attempts to register dozens of dead Democrats as voters in Broward

Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democratic voters in Broward County.
Though officials said no mail-in ballots were requested or cast under the falsified voter IDs, the scheme exposes weaknesses in Florida’s voter registration process, which relies partially on the honor system.
An unknown person in Columbia, S.C., submitted at least 54 new voter applications in July in the same neat handwriting to the Broward elections office, several in each of 19 envelopes. Many of the voters were elderly, and had recently died in the Northeast.
Almost all of them were flagged by Broward elections office staff as suspicious, and turned over to the Broward State Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors have been watching since August, in a sting operation to catch the culprit, internal correspondence shows.

Dear CNN, maybe it is clearer now?

Hat tip to all the readers who sent me this story.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Dead People being registered to vote in Broward County. CNN unclear of the motive.”
  1. “Except for a daily, very powerful satellite and radio emissions aimed at Earth, the forty-year-old CNN monolith has remained completely inert, its origin and purpose still a total mystery.” –2020: A News Odyssey (excerpt)

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