just caught this in Bearing Arms:
Anti-gun jihadists like to try and apply pressure to any business that doesn’t completely and totally toe the line. They figure out long ago that they’ll never completely win in this country. They’ll never be able to ban guns. Some states, at a minimum, will resist that to the end. Hell, the Heller decision alone makes their dreams impossible, which is why they hate it so vehemently.
However, they figure that by applying pressure to businesses to conform to their policies, they can create a nation where it’s virtually impossible to bear arms to any real degree, thus amounting to the same thing.
Whom is applying pressure to whom? Newtown Action Alliance to Subway.
NEWTON, CT—Anti-gun violence advocates penned an open letter Monday to Subway’s CEO John Chidsey, urging him to do more to keep customers safe from the threat of gun violence. The request comes after nearly a dozen mostly-armed demonstrators protesting North Carolina’s stay-at-home order purchased sandwiches at a Subway in Raleigh on May 9.
Dear Opposition: In case you have not noticed, business has been hurting bad because of the Pandemic. Asking such business, including a franchise like Subway to reject income is a stupidity of at least two orders of magnitude. I believe we may end up with the standard press release form the CEO saying that Subway understand the concerns of the group, but that they expect the individual franchisees to follow the law of the particular location where they reside or words to that effect.
Most restaurants are opening with health restrictions forcing them to be occupied in very small numbers. It is still unclear if they will be able to survive such restrictions or for how long. With a reduced income, the least thing they want to do is cut any more of that meager income just to get their head patted by disconnected political idiots.
Might not be a bad idea for Mr. Chidsey to remember that gun owners tend to vote with their dollars. He might get a short bump from gun control activists if he concedes to their demands, but the gun owners will avoid you for a lot longer. Look at what is happening with Dick’s Sporting Goods and how that company is swirling the drain.
What hilowe said. The antis might come in once and buy a sandwich or a drink, but that’s like a one-night stand; they’ll get what they want from you and never call you again.
Gun owners continue voting with their dollars long after the issue is “settled”. You can make it a non-thing (“follow state and local laws”), which is good enough for us. Or, you can reject us, but if you do that … well, there are plenty of other, better sandwich shops — some owned and operated locally by people we know and love — that are just as hard up for customers and far more accommodating and appreciative.
Dick’s may have seen a temporary bump from antis buying one pair of yoga pants, but that one-time $30 purchase came at the expense of multiple gun owners’ repeated purchases of $1000 rifles and hundreds of dollars in ammunition. Not a good trade, if you ask me.
^^What those guys said^^
I have a few stories where a business put up a sign and I literally never went back, ever. In at least two instances the signs were gone after a few months….but since I never went back, I never knew that. Turns out, I didn’t need those companies in my life at all!
The way I found out was in one case the company was robbed and I made a comment on the news story about it being a gun-free zone, which is when someone told me that the business had taken down the sign. The other case was when a new regional manager called me to see if I’d come back and I told them the reason I left. At that point they’d been with the company for 4 years and had never seen a sign so they had to ask around. They were up for six months and 25% of their customers stopped coming.
Some of them can be taught, but there’s no reason for me to do business with people who *need* to be taught in the first place.
Michael Jordan was reported as a rare case of a celebrity with sense. I read that he was asked why he did not take a public political stand. He is reported to have said, “Half of my fan base will be angered if I take position “A”, and half will be angered if I take position “B”. In neither case will my life be improved.”
I believe his quote is “Republicans buy shoes too.”
J.Kb: I stand corrected.
In either event, he apparently is smart enough to avoid letting “wokeness” interfere with his business.
And therefore smarter than innumerable NBA s.
After the recent bit of panic where Democrats were willing to buy pretty much anything that fired bullets, I somehow doubt that gun control is going to be roaring back in a big way soon.
Heller is null and void at this point. They refuse to hear court cases that violate there own rulings. For the supreme court to even bother with a second amendment case the bill would have to be extremely egregious and have the explicit intent getting gun owners killed because they are gun owners. And even then they might not take it.
I have absolutely no faith in the courts anymore and I view almost all judges the same way I view the far left since almost all judges appear to think like far left activists and seem to hate gun ownership as much as Beto who wants to confiscate guns by force or Swalwell who doesn’t want to even bother with the confiscation part and go straight to the nukes.
This is the “Photojournalist’s” bio on Twitter:
Travis Long
, chicken keeper, home brewer, hemp grower, vegetarian, drone pilot, community college grad, tribal member EBCI.
With accomplishments like these, I’m certain his mother is proud.
And this guy thinks he’s smart enough to have an informed opinion regarding the 2nd amendment. Maybe, since he is a “community college grad” and a “chicken keeper”.