So I sit with the missus to enjoy some grilled pork and watch the last episode of The Unicorn, properly DVRed in my box. Three chews in,  and I get a dose of “Black kids will be shot by cops because of water guns” followed by one of the characters whipping himself for his sins under White Privilege.

We love Walton Goggins as an actor, and the show as not as good as he deserves because his “friends” are but crappy caricatures. We had great expectations on about this season since another former Justified member was introduced, the gorgeous Natalie Zea (Wynona). But I am guessing the writers and producers figured they needed to be woke and had to add this shit to an already saturated audience.

Bad move

And The Unicorn is no longer in our DVR list to record.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Dear CBS: Why did you have to screw The Unicorn?”
  1. I hate having to stop watching shows because of their stupid insertion of unrelated political issues.

    But I keep doing it, and now that Netflix/Amazon/LG/Whoever tracks my every click of the remote, maybe they’re starting to get some trends.

    Maybe I’ll be the first one to the gulag based on when I stopped watching a TV show.

    1. So … Better to be gulaged because you own an evil black rifle, or because you stopped watching an approved/mandated show? (fUSSR equivalent of disconnecting the in-house party radio box?)

      Welcome to 1984 … again.

  2. I have been raging on other sites about BBC America and the atrocious adaptation they are making of Terry Pratchett’s Watch novels.

    Because it is a blankety-blank disgrace and an insult to the man’s memory, so much so that both Rhianna Pratchett and Neil Gaiman have disavowed the project.

  3. Sent to the Gulag because you stopped watching? You can always set your TV-or-whatever on auto-watch, unplug the speakers, and go do something else while the show is on. Unless of course you have one of those fancy new telescreens that watch you back, For Your Maximum Enjoyment, in which case you need to present it with the appearance of a live family glued to the screen at the appointed time.

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