If you decide to nuke the United States to stem the spread of American Wokeism, I honestly wouldn’t blame you.

All that I ask is that whrn you aim your missiles, you use a 2020 electon results map by county and target only the Blue ones.

If you really want to stop the spread of Wokeness you that is the source.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Dear China and Russia,”
  1. Holy shit: ” purge some wrongdoers (and a few innocents) and voila — you have created another woke movement.”

    they even say the quiet part out loud.

  2. …you use a 2020 electon results map by county and target only the Blue ones….

    Can we edit that to 2016 instead?

    Election fraud was targeted/focused on counties that have a measurable percentage of conservatives. Swinging those counties swung the whole state. Using the 2020 map would result in way too many conservatives getting blown up, when they did not actually do anything wrong.

  3. China and the Soviet Union are the *reason* that America, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the rest of the anglosphere has been infected by Wokeism.

    The long march through the institutions paid off. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the red diaper babies are now in control of our civil service, our teachers’ colleges, and our news media.

    1. You are absolutely right, Woke came from the Communist infiltration of America.

      But Russia and China are dealing with the rebound. China and Russia are both promoting masculinity and banning LGBT from their media. They fed a dragon that they are having a hard time containing.

  4. He’s neither completely wrong nor completely right. Wokeism’s core components of CRT and cancel culture coupled with the authoritarian, collectivist ideologies of “Progressivism” map very neatly onto Cultural Revolution era Maoism and purge era Stalinism so “woke” may find a warm reception in Beijing as a new tool for social control. Russia may be less receptive given Putin’s hostility towards LGBT etc.

  5. I’ve often wondered (and I’m not alone in this) why Wokesters and Feminists (and Feminist Wokesters) aren’t loudly and proudly condemning China, Russia, North Korea, and every Islamist-government-run nation on the planet. Instead, they consider those countries allies.

    They claim American conservatives are “fascist”, but they have no idea what real fascism looks like. The irony is that real fascism is actively practiced on a daily basis by their supposed “allies”, and the only thing our Wokesters and those nations have in common is a fundamental hatred of America.

  6. “All that I ask is that whrn you aim your missiles, you use a 2020 electon results map by county and target only the Blue ones.”

    I’m wondering why someone hasn’t already started a Kickstarter Campaign for this to hire the Russkis as contractors for the job…..

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