This is a Biden supporter.

This is what they think of you.

Please stop shipping food into Blue cities.

Please stop shipping coal and oil into Blue cities.

Let them starve in the dark.

Thank you


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Dear Farmers, miners, Red staters,”
  1. When the country turns into there utopia they will be starving in the dark at that point anyway.

    If you stopped growing soy half of them would be dead in a month.

  2. Obviously the price of food and water in the big cities is not nearly high enough.

    A four fold increase in price after a break in shipment for a few months should mitigate the need for welfare.

  3. This is why they want no tariffs in international trade. It is easy to push down and punish your farming class if you can cheaply import your food from third world countries that don’t have to pay the same labor and living costs.

  4. According to her twitter blurb, Ms. Matthews is a retired librarian who lives in Wisconsin.

    I sincerely hope the ghost of Laura Ingalls Wilder rises from the grave to haunt her.

  5. But… but… Obtusia Alexandria-Quartet is asking the Government to love working people! Clearly, MiniLuv isn’t trying hard enough. Or maybe it’s just “working people” in the abstract, and not the people actually who do vital work.

    1. Yes, the Left loves the romanticized idea of the salt-of-the-earth hard worker. They won’t deign to actually live next to or send their kids to school with working class people, while simultaneously mocking pickups, domestic beer, back yard grilling, and everything the working class holds dear.

  6. Not to pat myself on the back- I been saying this for years, boycott delivery to cities. Food, fuel. Just stop.
    Early 90s truckers were wantin to go on strike cause new federal regs were squeezin them. I told them boycott washington dc for a week. Come on America, time to ACT. Much as it pains ya we have to get involved

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