I know you have been ordered and I know you are pissed that some pissant Anifoid kid can scream at your face, call you and your mama names, blind you with a laser and thrown explosives at you and you have to take it because your boss said to do anything else is bad for the department.

But our side is not the one you want to make enemies with.  We are the side that backs you up, screams against defunding and gives you the benefit of the doubt when something happens on duty.

Please do not make us enemies, be smart. Don smack the hand that supports you.

PS: and if you choose to ignore our help, the Constitution and attack us, please remember our lasers come with a prize.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Dear LEOs: You are targeting the wrong people.”
  1. Not defending the cops here, but what happened before the video started.

    Could be a very good reason why the cops are arresting this man, not just what we hear.

  2. There are plenty of videos of police stepping on their own dicks and destroying their relationship with regular people over Covid restrictions. It’s a big part of the reason why I’ll never fly my “blue line” American flag ever again. I also won’t support any law enforcement that enforces gubernatorial executive orders, or assists in intimidating people and businesses. “Just doing my job” is effectively the same thing as the Nuremberg defense, and it’s unacceptable.

    That said, this is a pretty short video clip and I wonder if more led up to this other than “his son wasn’t wearing a mask”. I’m guessing Costco asked this guy to leave and he wouldn’t.

    1. If Costco asked him to leave, and he refused, he’s hosed. At that point you’re trespassing.

      Even in states where ‘gun free zone’ signs have no legal weight, a business can still ask you to leave the premises.

    2. I never had a “blue line” flag, and given where I live (Antifa/BLM is popular here) I wouldn’t fly it anyway.

      I do have a “blue line” shirt, that I haven’t worn since COVID began and LEOs started getting jack-boot-y over masks and breathing too hard.

      Giving the benefit of doubt over this video, I’m also guessing that Costco asked them to leave and they didn’t (Costco, for those who haven’t been paying attention, is not exactly a friend to free-thinking citizens). As far as trespassing, if these two didn’t leave when asked, they are guilty where they stand.

      Here, though, trespassing is a civil infraction; barring vandalism or being both armed and causing a ruckus or making threats or brandishing (i.e. not simply peaceably armed), there’s no arrest authority for it — the cops write you a ticket. I don’t know how it is in GA.

      I will also note that Costco has informed its members in no uncertain terms that masks are required for everyone coming in over age 5, with shockingly few exceptions. They sent emails, snail-mail letters, and have signs posted everywhere in their stores. If these guys are members, they knew. If they aren’t members, then Costco has no obligation to let them enter anyway.

      And if these guys can’t breathe in the surgical masks, they should wear something else they can breathe in (hell, Costco sells a neck-gaiter that they’ll accept as a mask, in a two-pack). But nobody is welcome in Costco without a germ-hole cover. Period. Full stop.

      As much as I dislike Costco for their stricter-than-required mask mandate, and their historical cop-calling on peaceably armed citizens, it’s their private property, and they can do that if they want. I cannot emphasize this strongly enough: We do not want to f*** with private property rights.

      But all of that still doesn’t excuse the cops for being a**holes about it.

  3. Put simply there is very little risk in violating the rights, safety, and property of the law abiding ‘good’ citizens. Oh maybe they’ll have to pay some money out of the tax payers bill but it doesn’t actually hurt them. Maybe a cop gets a few months vacation then is quietly transferred to another department while good cops get told to wait in line or that ‘gee that slot was filled’.

    Kicking in doors because people are having a grill out on their back deck, shooting chalk rounds at people on their porch when a cop decides they can’t, and then things like this.

    I firmly believe that this is part of a multi-generation long con to remove the officers who would pull a bad cop into the broom closest for some hands on coaching if they’re caught being dirty and replacing them with ones who gleefully polish their boots because they can’t wait to stomp on people with their new found authority. The good ones that are still left get to face the dragon of bureaucracy while the ones that will confiscate guns, enforce lock downs, and act as though martial law were declared and punish you accordingly get preferential treatment and skate on discipline.

    I’ve seen and experienced officers getting their careers ended or face unrelated but humiliating treatment for reporting the wrong connected officer or embarrassing a local VIP/ politician or their pet project.

    When a large portion of the law abiding start looking at you as opfor instead of the home team it might be time for folks to start reading the wind and act accordingly.

  4. I remember being castigated here for my prediction that when SHTF LEOs would be on the side of their salaries and pensions.

    That prediction came from the bitter prior experience of living in the times of SHTF and seeing the world as you know it burst into flames in front of your eyes and people show their true colors.

    There is a US police expression: going fetal. This is the best we can expect from them now.

    1. Full agreement with you here. I was never a blue liner cuz I knew too many dirty cops (hell, I live next door to an ex one). Growing up in the south really puts it in perspective.

      But yeah, at the end of the day they only care for their paycheck, and there’s not nearly enough punishment for their blatant violations. They’ll be the boots on your neck when the time comes. Always have been.

    2. “No one could have predicted this!” — all the people that said those of us that pointed out cops would choose their own livelihoods over the rights of some stranger were cop-haters.

      Here’s a fun thing to do: If you ever see someone in a comment claiming that they’re a police officer who would never enforce new gun control measures…ask them if they’ve ever arrested someone for “felon in possession of a weapon.”

      1. It’s a variation on the point made here a month or so ago, that making veterans into saints would come and bite us because of scum like the new Congressman from far left MA who is allegedly such a person — and he wants to take all your guns away.

  5. I’ld be more inclined to ask about what went on before the video if the cops hadn’t started to try and play the ‘stop resisting’ game.

  6. It’s simple: customers at costco won’t ruin your whole day. Antifa on the other hand will. Much safer to take down a dad in costco.

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