I don’t think I have seen such desperate attempts to avoid responsibility since Pontius Pilate was doing the 20 second hand-washing thing back in Judea a couple of millennia ago.

And here is Maer:

And here is the collection of a fraction of headlines by many media outlets (including big names) advising people Corona Virus was not deadly.

Click to enlarge

They are trying to staple the blame on Trump for political purposes, but also they are afraid of payback.

As they should.

And deserve.

Savage Update: J. Kb. sent me this just now:

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Dear Media: It Is Hard to Memory Hole In The Internet. (BRUTAL UPDATE)”
  1. People are idiots.

    Comparisons to the seasonal flu are not about the symptoms, they are about the spread. About the number of fatalities.

    And, so far, this disease, as bad as it is, is tracking within the statistical norms of a seasonal flu.

    Roshen is typical of your average leftist who reads the headlines, and never questions them. The covid-19 virus is putting people in graves, that is true. However, just because there are not similar headlines every flu season does not mean the seasonal flu is not doing the same.

    Lots of people die every day for any number of reasons. Very few make the headlines. Because this disease is selling papers, and capturing eyes does not mean other diseases are not racking up the fatalities. (How many people in the US die every year from tunerculosis? Hepatitis C? Where are the headlines???)

    As of April 1, 2020 the CDC is reporting 3,603 deaths from covid-19. Let’s compare that to the seasonal flu:
    The CDC is estimating 24,000-62,0000 deaths from the seasonal influenza for the 2019-2020 flu season.
    The CDC estimate for 2018-2019 was 34.200 deaths from seasonal influenza.

    Once again, let me reiterate. Comparisons to the flu are not about symptoms, they are about spread, and fatalities.

    1. You’re using TO DATE numbers for COVID-19, but ENTIRE YEAR numbers for flu.

      You may be right. I wouldn’t bet on it.

  2. Absolutely correct there Rob.

    Not a scientific analysis by any stretch of the imagination. However, be aware the CDC considers the flu season to run from around the third week of Sept, through about the third week of March. Not a full year. More like 6 months. closer to 7 actually.

    Taking the estimated burden of 24K to 62K deaths from the flu during that time frame, that averages 3.5K to 8.8K per month over the 7 month period. If we average across the full year, in order to give the seasonal flu the largest possible benefit of the doubt, it is 2,000 to 5,166 deaths per month.

    What’s covid 19 at? About 1,000 deaths per month? As far as deadly pandemics go, this one is a bit of a no-show so far.

  3. Mr. Roshan should think twice about provoking Kurt who is former military and a top notch lawyer. Typical liberal douche gets crucial facts wrong due to TDS to try to score political points. Sorry, people with discernment ignore the Fake News Media and tools like him.

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