Old Spanish advice:

“Menciona el pecado, mas no el pecador.”

It roughly translated to Mention The Sin, But Not The Sinner.

It basically means, yes, you can talk about a certain event that happened to you, but it is wise if you leave the identities out of the tale. And in this age of Social Media and instant transmission, once it is out there, you cannot control the outcome.

A Florida Outback Steakhouse worker says she filled a local megachurch’s $735 takeout order and then was fired when she ranted on social media about not getting a tip…
…“I brought it out, put it in the car,” Yoder told Miami Fox affiliate WSVN-TV. “We received the payment. There was no gratuity. I got upset. I posted a post on Facebook about the church not leaving a gratuity tip.”
A friend read her post and called the church to complain and was told that the person who picked up the food didn’t know to leave a tip.

Outback server fired over online rant slamming church for skipping tip

Her ass got fired because Outback Restaurants has this strict policy of no badmouthing customers in Social Media. It kinda makes sense because if your chain has servers that cannot wait to crap on people who come with the money you need to keep the business running, you are bound to go under (pun intended).

The restaurant refunded the money to the church as a manner of apology. And it is the owner of the franchise who is gonna eat that loss because pissy millennial could not keep her greasy thumbs from her smart phone and rant on a customer who just dropped over $700.

I am gonna close with another Spanish saying:

“Eres dueño de lo que calles y esclavo de lo que dices.”

“You are the master of what you don’t say and slave of what you speak of.” AKA “Musca Domestica cannot enter fastened buccal orifice.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Dear Millenials and others, a common sese tip for life.”
  1. This is a pretty good example of what can happen when you don’t keep your mouth shut. Justified on the part of the restaurant, IMO.

    Note, though, that she did a whole lot more than just take it to their car. She supposedly spent most of her shift in the kitchen, getting the order ready — thus making very little in tips from the lack of waitressing, ending up at less than minimum wage for the day.

    1. Don’t restaurants usually share the tips among the waitstaff nowadays?

      As for Miguel’s closing quote, another version of it that I like is “A closed mouth gathers no foot”.

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