MDA voices

…but didn’t the unarmed women who died at the hands of their husbands have their voices raised in pain, desperation and abject fear?

The only sound an abuser of women should hear is the sudden impact of a piece of lead traveling near or over the speed of sound impacting dead center in their chest, head or testicles. Ladies Choice.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Dear Moms Demanding Something or Other….”
  1. Odd how the LADIES always forget the OTHER side – . .. … Women on Men violence has ALWAYS statistically followed MAN on WOMAN violence by 5%pt.s. – Check FBI and CDC Studies done over the last 30 years – at least four major studies confirm this. The “Cinderella” / “Snowwhite” Syndrome just sells papers and magazine articles better if all you mention is MEAN MAN on WOMAN Stats.

  2. Nice one, D-Nozzles. LOVE hearing men talk about what women “should” be doing… It’s guys like you who end up abusing women.

  3. Want to make rape very rare and domestic violence less common?

    Encourage all adult women to be armed. It is less effective with domestic violence due to their desire to not kill their intimate husband/boyfriend. However, if a situation escalates, it might be the only way for a woman to survive, and I prefer that she does more than her abusive man.

  4. No, “rational” Skeptic —

    It’s abusive assholes who end up abusing women.

    But thank you for playing.

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