Ruger PC Charger Pistol. Same as big Brother is take down and uses Glock Mags. The suggested price is $799 which means it has to come down a lot for me to be interested.

But damn! Add a good arm brace and you have yourself a sweet little gun,

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dear Ruger: Hatechu”
  1. Eh. I’m actually more interested in their 5.7x28mm pistol.

    Formone thing I can still find the ammo for it… :-/

  2. It looks like another winner for Ruger.

    But I don’t know why they didn’t go with at least an 8 inch barrel.

  3. It’s the new Mauser Broomhandle. All it needs is a wooden holster that doubles as a st—uh, brace.
    (Of course, today the holster would be Kydex.)

  4. Meh, I’m not a fan of barrels that short on guns that size? Also no iron sights is a major fail for me.

  5. HATERS!!! Yall are haters!! Hahahahaha. Looks like a 10-22 with balls. Interesting piece. It will prob sell like hot cakes in the tacticool crowd…. i perfer more low key but hey variety makes the world go round.

  6. Hatechu


    Yeah, the price has to come down a long way. Probably more than possible. I’ve got a 9mm handgun or two. They’re balanced better.

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