The United Auto Workers union has informed workers at the Avon Lake Ford plant that it plans to move a major project slated for 2023 from Northeast Ohio to its plant in Mexico.
The letter, dated Friday, March 12, stated that Ford is going back on its agreement to build a “next-generation vehicle” at the Avon Lake plant in 2023.

In 2019, the UAW says Ford promised to invest $900 million in a new project at the Avon Lake plant, that was set to begin production in 2023. The agreement also included a “complete revitalization” of the facility.

Ford plans to move new project from Avon Lake plant to Mexico


Hey, maybe this is a way that Ford has to keep Illegal immigrants for coming to the US. They should be thanked rather than criticized.
We told you that elections have consequences. Enjoy the 5 pound bag of manure you just bought.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dear Unions: Feeling that Buyers’ Remorse yet?”
  1. Sherrod is a Democrat, and therefore a dirtbag. Watching him posture like this is mildly amusing because of how hypocritical it is.

  2. Unpossible! All The Best People ™ assured me that Zhou Bai Dhen had only the very best interests of The Workers in his heart!

  3. Massive tax increases here in the U.S. in the next year. Meanwhile, cheap labor still remains in Mexico….this is a no brainer. Instead of calling out Ford for “breaking a promise”, perhaps the workers should be calling out the government for breaking faith with the American people by increasing taxes (among other things) that only slow down the U.S. economy.

  4. As with every other leftist idea gone wrong (mainly because leftists have no idea about the law of unintended consequences), the rest of us have to suffer before they learn their lesson.

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