Clinton advisor and Labor Secretary Tweeted this:

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a court set up in South Africa after apartheid had ended.

The Left, people like Robert “Third” Reich here, are equating supporting Trump to Apartheid, which in and of itself is grotesque.

But what don’t talk about is what happened after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a lot of murder.

Blacks who were accused of collaborating with the White Government were murdered by having a tire filled with gasoline put around their necks and lit on fire in a gruesome death sentence called necklacing.

Poor and working-class whites (of which there were many in South Africa) who had no political connections or privileges were raped to death, shot, or hacked apart with machetes because of the color of their skin.

The court ordered reconciliations were reserved only for the political elite with money and resources.

If a Truth and Reconciliation Commission were to happen in America, much like what happened in South Africa and like some people in Kansas want to do to their neighbors, Trump and his staff may end up in a prison, but your average middle-classTrump supporter who simply wanted a tax break and not to have the EPA ban the V8 in his pickup that he tows his bassboat with, is going to be dragged out of his bed by Antifa and murdered.

Reich and the other Lefties who are calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission know this and are counting on it.  The elite get a prison cell and you get a flaming tire put over your head.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Death by fire – Clinton stooge wants to bring South African political violence to America”
  1. I’ve been listening to Glenn Beck’s program while checking out blogs and he reports this is not just “Third” Reich, it’s happening all over the world.

    It’s not spontaneous, it’s part of the communists’ attempts to take over everything.

  2. “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

    Trump’s lies… OK, he is a politician so of course he fudges the truth…

    Comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness. Wait…. what? His hatefulness??? Is Trump, or any of the millions who support his Presidency going around stealing the yard signs of neighbors who support Biden? Did a right wing nut job shoot a sitting member of Congress for no reason other than their political affiliation? Is there a single incident where a leftist was attacked, harmed, or killed for strictly their political stance? (Do not bring up Charlottesville, that was the result of a host of issues.)

    Are Trump supporters burning, looting, and murdering?

    Let’s assume Trump is a hateful man. How does that harm anyone in any way?

    That is the main problem here. The people on the left side of the political aisle assign “hatred” as the reason why someone from the right disagrees with their position. Don’t really care about trans rights? You hate transgenders. Think that people who choose to move to this country should do so legally? You hate immigrants.

    When you assume that everyone who disagrees with you does so out of hate, you get this crap. And, what really scares me is there are millions of people out there that agree with idiots like Reich

    1. Who are the hateful ones? Not the good ol’ boys I hang out with. Not my wife. Not my in-laws. We just want to be left alone. Go to church socials. Do a little fishing or hunting. Hoist a few at the local bar and brag about the fish that got away, or how many points on the antlers of the biggest buck we bagged.

      Maybe a little gossip about who’s dating who.

      Not once, in my entire life (and I’m kinda old) have I, or any of my friends or even acquaintances, have I ever heard anyone say, “these people in this group [ insert name] need to be murdered.”

      All of us, however, recognize that, if attacked and threatened with grievous harm or death, we will defend ourselves with deadly force.

      No one has ever, even in idle conversation, said something like “I don’t like the people in that city. Let’s get a large group together and burn the town down, steal some stuff, and shoot anybody who gets in our way.”

      We know who does, it’s the radical left, fomenting a Marxist revolution.

      We are not to blame.

      Pass it on.

    2. NAME ONE “TRUTH FUDGE” TRUMP HAS SAID!!! ONE! The dems do nothing but lie. Lie. Lie. Denying lies denying lies. We lose this election We the People are fukked

  3. My lady jokes “I’ve killed everybody I’ve wanted to kill. The count currently stands at zero.”

    For the left, the fear of what the right MIGHT do is so much worse than anything they are doing now, that it justifies the violence they do today.

    “ACB is going to take away your right to birth control!” This justifies vilifying and ACB and making threats of court packing and people planning riots if she is confirmed. It isn’t the action ACB has taken, it is the action she MIGHT take. Because they are sure she will.

    Trump says if you are a star you can grab a woman by a pussy and get away with it. The left turns this into he HAS done it and will do it in the future. This justifies vilifying him.

    The fact that I own a gun means I MIGHT shoot somebody with it. Therefore I’m violent hateful person and should be jailed.

    The fact that I CCW and am willing to shoot somebody that is attacking me or my family means I MIGHT accidentally shoot an innocent downrange. Therefore I’m a danger to society and should be locked away.

    If that Jew hadn’t been walking through that neighborhood, they wouldn’t have been beaten like that, it is the Jew’s fault.

    If that person hadn’t been wearing a MAGA hat indicating how hateful they are, they wouldn’t have been spit on, it is the MAGAot’s fault he was spit on.

    The left ALWAYS has an excuse for why they punched somebody first, why they attacked somebody first, why they did what ever evil it is that they did. And it is always “Well they were going to X” or “Well they are evil!”

  4. “…. is going to be dragged out of his bed by Antifa and murdered.”

    Uh… And I am prepared to back up that statement, from 0 to 600 meters if necessary.

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