Followers of this blog know that I have been documenting how New York, and New York City in particular, have oppressed and tormented the Orthodox Jewish community with COVID restrictions.

It’s gotten worse.

Let the Jews die of COVID is horrible, but the anti-Semites in charge are being even more murderous than that.

Brooklyn health care network probed for improperly doling out 3,500 doses of COVID vaccines

A Brooklyn-based health network faces a state police probe for allegedly improperly obtaining COVID-19 vaccines and distributing them to the public, authorities said Saturday.

ParCare, a well-known network of six clinics that serves Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn and upstate Orange County, openly bragged that it had 3,500 doses of the Moderna vaccine.

ParCare vowed to vaccinate anyone over age 60 who sign up online on a “first come first served basis” — a blatant violation of state rules mandating health care workers and nursing home patients get the shots first.

Elderly Jews who live in one of the hardest hid communities in the state are a low pirority for the state to take care of, so they are promting an investigation into the clinic.

The last thing the goverenment of New York wants is for a Jewish clinic to vaccinate elderly Jews and save their lives.

Death to the Jews is now offical state healthcare policy in New York.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Death to the Jews is now official NY Policy”
    1. The Orthodox and Hasidim have voted Republican for a while, which may explain Cuomo and De Blasio’s animus towards them. I suspect most Reform, Conservative and non-observant Jews will continue in their misguided ways.

  1. I saw the post in NY something about the “investigation into improper distribution of covid vaccine and I f**king KNEW it was about Orthodox Jewish people. Knew it. In fact I tagged a friend on faceplant to share that one because, here we go again. Also anyone noticing that white people are bad and Orthodox Jewish people are bad but in a separate bad category?

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