I love Star Trek TNG.  Now that I’m waiting for Season 5 of the Expanse to start I thought I’d catch up on other Trek, so I started DS9.

I’m in Season 3 and I’ve run into a two part episode, Past Tense.

Commander Sisko and Dr. Bashir get sent to San Francisco in August or 2024.

It is a shithole.  The economy has tanked.  Most people are out of work.  Jobs are handed out by the government to the people who want them.  Most people live in “sanctuary zones” on government rations.  There is still a wealthy tech industry elite that live in luxury, but everyone else is either a low level bureaucrat or a bum.  All your personal information is on the net.

Crime is rampant, civil unrest is at the breaking point, the climax is a massive riot.

This would take place at the end of Biden’s first term.

Star Trek writers in 1995 came up with the worst realistic future they could come up with 29 years later

The worst predictions had are what San Francisco looks like now backed by the kind of economy that Biden will lead us to have.

The episode didn’t say who the president was, but given the evidence, it has to be Biden.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Deep Space 9 predicts a Biden victory”
  1. Massive riots? The Democrats want them. They can use them to seize more power.

    The mandated extermination of all gun owners as well as the complete and total extermination of all who oppose the culminating in the completed and total extermination of all United States citizens that oppose them is going to ha we to wait until 2022 or 2024 when massive voter fraud gives the dems control of everything and when they realize they like now can just simply wait to see how badly they are losing and use that to print out more ballots after the election to make sure they win it won’t matter.

    I fully expect by 2024 there will be more fraudulent ballots then there are people. Let’s say the dems lose the heart and mind of the American people completely and the next election 200 million people vote against them. It won’t matter because there will be more people voting for them than actually live in the United States. State will have 200% voter turnout and it will always be the dems that win. And since they will ha e packed scotus as well
    as other court and made more courts they will all side with the dems because if there not party members they will be told of if they do not they will be killed and there families murdered.

  2. Exactly how do we avoid that type of future?

    We live in a representative republic where the representatives are elected in a democratic election by the people. And, apparently, the people want socialism, they want big government, they want the exact type of government that will lead to the situation you describe.

    How exactly will cities like San Francisco, States like California, Washington, and Oregon, or the US as whole avoid it?

    Ensuring the elections are fair? Not going to happen. Sorry. When something like 60% of the voters either think election fraud does not exist, or don’t care because it favors their candidate, changes are not going to happen. There is a measurable percent of the population that think illegal aliens should be allowed to vote, and believe it or not, there are people who think the rest of the world should have a vote in the US Presidential election.

    No, the election system will not provide any relief from the inevitable.

    What other avenues are there? Education? No, even if conservatives take over the entire education system from pre-school through post graduate studies, children do not learn from other’s mistakes as well as one might hope. Until you experience socialism, you do not have any idea what an awful economic and government system it is. And, even then, the average voter is not swayed. How many people lost their jobs because of a push for $15/hr. minimum wage? Yet, they still continue to support the candidates that enacted the law that bit them in the ass.

    The reality is the US is screwed, this election cemented that in my mind. When a failure like Biden can get more than 50% of the popular vote, the end is near.

    The big problem is there are not a whole lot of other places that are not there, or on the same track. Not that I am throwing a tantrum and saying I plan on moving, but this election is not a good sign for the future of the US.

    The US will survive a Biden/Harris presidency, we survived an Obama presidency. What the US will not survive is the electorate that put Obama and Biden into the White House. And the last two Presidential elections have demonstrated clearly that a majority of the people living in the US want what the Dems are pushing

    1. You are exactly correct. And of course, for the same reason, the revolution (or counter-revolution, to be more precise) that many on the conservative side seem to be hanging all of their hopes on will also fail. We can take over the country, but what do you do with the fact that more than half of the population is totally hostile to your cause? Strip them of the franchise and put military patrols in the streets to keep order and hold your power? Even if we were to split the US into two countries, even assuming we won the war (which I don’t think is at all a given), even in the “red” states there is a sizable minority that voted for Biden. Granted the same is true in the blue states; even the most ardently anti-Trump state, Vermont, has 3 out of 10 people voting for Trump. It’s not enough though. The only thing that will save the US now is for these people to learn for themselves what they are getting into. But unfortunately there is no reason to think that once they try and fail that we will just revert back to the original system, rather than morphing into something else. And that’s IF the people can manage to shake the ruthless socialists out of power, which they will not do voluntarily. No, I am not at all optimistic about the future of the United States. Many conservatives say “we’ve been through bad stuff before, and real Americans always came out and saved us in the end”. But what we face now is something far more powerful and insidious than we’ve ever faced before. The People themselves have been corrupted. You can’t correct that without resorting to measures that would be totally counter to everything the US ostensibly stands for: mass executions or deportations, disenfranchisement, political “reeducation” camps to turn socialists into Good Americans. If we go that route, we’ve doomed the traditional notion of the United States just as much as if we go full Communist. Or we can let the Communists win…which will also destroy the US as we know it. Or we can split the country: same result. Even in the best case scenarios, the US as we know it is doomed.
      I would also point out that while the patriots “won” every time in the past, the result was a further slide down the slippery slope. The communists didn’t win outright in the 1960s, but they DID change the country forever. Every decade that passes ends with a further erosion and alteration of the political and social system that makes America what it is. The end result is where we are today, effectively checkmate for the socialists. They will get what they want sooner or later, and all we can do is delay them. If we take extreme measures to cut out the cancer, we’re effectively putting a gun to the head of the concept of America as it was founded. There is no way to force half of the population to be decent patriots without doing away with freedom of speech, universal suffrage, right to dissent, etc.

      1. Locke:

        You are spot on. I cannot disagree with anything you said.

        I am not old enough to not care. I have too many years left on this earth to want to lose my retirement savings, home, security, or protection of my rights. Yet, what can be done?

  3. Wow this is close. Thank God it is at least a close election. The polling has been proven wildly inaccurate if not outright wrong already. Right now, Trump can get 268 with GA, PA and NC, vs Biden at 264. Whichever one gets NV’s 6 votes will be the winner, and they are only 75% reported now. It’s down to 7.500 votes. That’s it. And the polls were telling us “Biden landslide! 8% spread, Trump is doomed!” It makes me angry.
    However, this close election does mean that it may not be the end for MAGA. it has been proven that it’s NOT political suicide, and that even Trump, with his personality issues, can come a hair from winning. That means someone else will hopefully step up to fill his shoes….IF the GOP and DNC don’t carefully cut any new upstarts off at the knees, which I suspect they will try to do. They still are not Trump’s allies, and they don’t support his cause. And of course assuming that President Harris and Co. don’t make it impossible to elect anyone but a Democrat in the future, which is entirely possible.

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