From ABC 33 40 News in Alabama:

Surge in demand for concealed carry permits in several Alabama counties

Sheriff’s offices in many Alabama counties are being flooded with people applying for concealed carry permits due to current events with protests and riots across the country in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota.

“People are scared,” said Cullman County Sheriff Matt Gentry. “Everyday, I’m getting a couple hundred phone calls. People don’t know what to expect, so they’re coming out to protect themselves.

Cullman County saw record demand for the permits on Tuesday when 250 applications were processed, which Gentry said easily topped the old record of 115 in a day.

He said he doesn’t see any letup in the near future. “We had seven to 10 people lined up ready to go this morning,” Gentry said Wednesday.

The demand is so great that the sheriff set up a tent outside the office and dedicated more staff in order to process permits faster.

Both the Shelby County and Morgan County Sheriff’s Offices reported a similar increase in demand for the concealed carry permit.

I really love Alabama sometimes.

When the Sheriff’s Office gets swamped with demands for carry permits, they set up a tent outside to process them faster.

No one was sure what the protests would turn to down here in the South and people wanted to protect themselves.

Alabama’s ease of obtaining carry permits meant a flood in applications.

People in New York are lining up to buy guns, people in Alabama are lining up to get carry permits.  Guns are flying off the shelves like we haven’t seen… ever.

I’d expect Miguel is going to be posting record FL CWP data at the end of the month due to this insanity too.

I went to Cabela’s on Friday to buy socks and the gun counter was stripped bare.  Just a few deer rifles and waterfowl guns.  Nearly every handgun and tactical shotgun or rifle were sold out and so was every major pistol caliber and all the 223 and 308.

It’s going to be interesting when the Democrats push for gun control after they sold probably two-and-a-half million guns in a month.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Democrat insanity is driving a surge in carry permits”
  1. The only problem is, 2M guns sold, even if mostly to new owners, are only around 1-2% of the population eligible to vote. Many if not most elections are won on margins that thin, agreed. But.

    I have to hope that the new owners are concentrated in areas where their “conversion” will matter disproportionately, and that they do indeed convert from progressive to conservative.

    Don’t get me wrong, overall it’s great … I’m just not holding my breath that it will actually help as much as the raw number suggests it could.

  2. Time to push “constitutional carry” once again, in every state that doesn’t already do it?

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