So even thought there was no reason in Florida for the evil Trumpers to raise hell and behave like Antifa/BLM, the Governor of Florida decided to activate the National Guard.

In the meantime, the FBI arrests a man who was planning to shoot Pro-Trump demonstrators on inauguration day. His name is Daniel Alan Baker who apparently  is a totally foaming-at-the-mouth sufferer of TDS and had been trying get people to join him in his killing spree.


Reading the criminal complaint by FBI gives you quite a picture of Mr. Baker. Former  Airborne Ranger who got a Less-Than-Honorable discharge for going AWOL  prior to deployment to Iraq. Fought in Syria with the YPG, a designated terrorist organization, appeared in a VICE documentary (VICE does love the YPG and the PKK with a romantic fervor). Baker admitted to wanting to kill and mutilate Turkish pilots on US soil to help YPG cause in this country.

But wait! There is more! He was involved in the “mostly peaceful” protests in Seattle and was part of the CHOP/CHAZ fuck up and traveled in the Antifa/BLM circuit protesting against police brutality. He constantly posted about injuring and killing cops and members of the Military.

His Social media presence is full with threats of killing, bombings and assorted methods of injuring others for which he caught a temporary ban in Facebook.

On January l2, 202l, after returning from a temporary Facebook profile
ban, BAKER wrote the following: “Holy fucking shit my ban is over. Yall. So much has happened. Death to amerikka of course, fuck the president, current and elect.”
Within the same time frame, BAI(ER changed his profile picture to him holding a Kalashnikov pattern rifle with a sweatshirt honoring Rob Grodt, an American anarchist killed fighting for the YPG.

And here is when it gets “hilarious”

On January 12,2021, BAKER created an event on Facebook titled “Defend Tallahassee.”

By this date, Facebook had already stepped up its watch against violent political calls and blocking events of that nature…but apparently only against the Evil Pro-Trump people. Anarchists and Atifoids seem to be excluded from the policing.

I’ll let you have a chance and read the whole thing yourselves.  It is not very long standing at 26 pages, but it is quite illustrative. Besides confirming once again that They Want You Dead, it also demonstrates the hypocrisy of Social Media and their desire to silence the politically undesirables AKA Us. FFS, I am on an account restriction because of a Hitler meme.

And I bet you are surprised that the FBI caught an Anarchist rather than trying to pin something on a Conservative. That leads me to believe that there might be still a couple of agents that took their oath seriously. My fear is that they may be punished for bucking the Narrative.
If you thought DOJ was a disaster under Holder, get ready for the truly fanatical taking over.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “DeSantis activates National Guard & FBI arrests a man planning killings on Inauguration Day”
  1. The reason he was arrested is in the article itself. You see, all those threats that he made against “magats” and “Trumpsters” and all those evil right wing (fill in the blank of nasty words) were ok.

    But when he got back from his FB ban he said “Fuck the president and the president elect

    Now he is a threat to them, and it is time for him to be arrested.

  2. He is a loyal supporter of the Marxist-Leninist PKK and fought with the YPG. He went AWOL before deploying with the US armed forces to the same area he fought in for the communist YPG.

    He is a good little Communist Revolutionary. For the Democrats there are no enemies to the Left.

  3. Notice how well this fits with the Refuse To Be Silenced poster you’ve been talking about. Get all those conservatives around the capital along with a handful of people like-minded with Baker, all with full auto AKs and kill as many Trump supporters as they can.

    Exactly which capital they assault doesn’t mean much, after all. The more, the merrier.

  4. They arrested him because he was going after Trump supporters. Had he been planning on killing leftists, they probably would have helped, and recreated his on-line history into one of radical right wing ideals.

    If you are going to have a false flag operation, it needs to fit the narrative. Having a bunch of people wearing MAGA hats get shot on Jan 20th would destroy the narrative that leftists are peaceful, and right wingers are violent.

  5. Actually, if you read all 26 pages it was the fact that he was on YouTube bragging about how he had financing from Soros… can’t allow that hand to be tipped. Only AFTER he made a public Soros reveal did they snatch his ass… suicided in 3…2…1…

    Threatening and doing bad things to Trump = OK… the very fact that he -openly served- with the YPG which, by DHS rules, he should have been arrested as soon as he got off the plane for contribution/participating with a known and identified terrorist organization… they’ve arrested people just for letting it be -known- they were flying to other regions to do the same thing, and yet this mook was let around loose? Also Miguel, he ain’t a Ranger… a failed infantryman at best, and a traitor by any other name

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