TALLAHASSEE — Any Floridian 60 and older will be eligible for a coronavirus vaccination starting March 15, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Monday.

DeSantis said Florida could afford to offer the vaccine more broadly because of what he called “softening” demand among seniors.

“The pharmacies have their windows to sign up. They’re not gone in ten minutes like they were a month and a half ago,” DeSantis said. “We think that’s a good sign because we think that we’ve reached a critical mass of the senior population.”

DeSantis: coronavirus vaccine to be offered to Floridians 60 and older next week

And the missus and I have decided we will go ahead and get vaccinated. She is planning on going to visit her kin later in the year and if airlines get stupid about it, she does not want to wait till the last minute and having to deal with a possible delay because she could not get it on time.

And I will also take it. I have been shot in the past with immunizations for jungle crap that required you to wait a month for possible side effects before undertaking a trip plus chugging daily anti malaria pills the size of quail eggs and some other shit that actually tested like chemical shit, so truthfully I am not really scared about this sucker.

If we are lucky, we will get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which is one shot and done. I will update you and make sure to let you know if I grow a horn in the middle of the forehead or that side effect that should not last for more than 4 hour before having to consult your physician.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “DeSantis lowers the age requirement to get the Kung Flu vaccine.”
  1. Got my first Moderna shot a couple of weeks ago.

    I was … underwhelmed. Arm was sore for a day, but no gills, no cat or goat eyes, skin didn’t turn green (blue would also have been acceptable if a deep sapphire). Nada, zip, nothing.

    No mutations. They told me there would be mutations, dammit! Instead all I got was the urge to build another AR over the weekend. Like *that’s* out of the ordinary… Grumble.

    1. Got my first eight hours ago, six hours ago my skin turned blue and I developed the ability to read minds. I was surprised at the number of people that think I’m an a**hole. Far fewer than what I imagined.

  2. I got the first Moderna dose today. I was hoping for the J&J vax, but nope, have to go back in 28 days. I’m not sure if this is for all vaxes, but you can’t have had any other vax 14 days prior to covid vax, you can’t get any other vax for 14 days after the second dose. You can take over the counter meds before, during, and after. There are some serious side affects, but of the 5,000 doses my VA system gave, not one had bad side affects, according to my nurse. You will also get to participate in a CDC survey, if you opt for that, they’ll text you once a day for the first week, once a week for five weeks, repeat for the second dose, then once a month for a few months. The survey asks about any side affects you may have. This helps the CDC determine how severe, and how often there are side affects. I opted in.

    An allergic reaction seems to be the biggest concern, and my nurse kept me for fifteen minutes after the shot for evaluation, although I was told the allergic reaction can happen anytime in the next fourteen days. Other side affects include flu-like symptoms that should only last a few days and should present within fourteen days. We were told to laminate our vax cards after the second dose, take a picture of it, and also email it to ourselves because there may be travel restrictions in the future. If that happens, a person would have to get vaccinated six weeks before travel.

    On a side note, and Epinephrine inhaler ($20 over the counter) is just as good as an EpiPen for severe allergic reactions, as long as the person can still inhale.

    Best of luck to you and the missus.

  3. I got the Moderna vaccine, had my second shot just over 3 weeks ago. I had no side effects from either shot other than a mildly sore arm.

    The nanobots aren’t so bad. They quiet down after midnight, so I can still sleep well, and they won’t be able to track me until the 5G technology comes online, which is still a ways off. Did I mention that I’ve changed my opinion about our Reptilian overlords? They only want what’s best for us. Trust them, I did. The flouride in my tap water helped with this.

    In all seriousness, it’s good you’re getting a vaccine.

  4. I got the Pfizer shots in January. I sore are was the only side effect and I suspect that was more the needle than vaccine. I’m 60 but some of my younger co-workers (20-30) got short term side effects: headaches, chills, nausea.

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