I thought it was a joke initially:


And here is the letter:

Click to enlarge

Rather than engage in a verbal fit about the treasonous bitch from California, I’ll just post Ted Cruz’s response:

Just because he is more polite than me.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Dianne Feinstein wants 5 billion dollars for the Terrorist State of Iran.”
  1. https://youtu.be/p3HoaiDYNkg

    Bitch, this ain’t the Obozo’s government that sent billions in cash to Iran under to cover of darkness. You want to send 5 million to the Ayatollah so he can further stomp of the faces of the Iranian people? Take it out of your own pocket, DiFi, you DemonKKKrat leech.

  2. No only no but f**k no! I would however, support sending DiFi to the Ayatollah, they deserve each other.

    1. If you took every use of the word f**k ever uttered in human history, and put them all together into a the sentence: “Sum(f**k, 0, all) No.”

      You would find that there were not enough f**ks ever spoken to adequately convey just how strongly this should be rejected.

      1. Once, in a fit of clumsiness, I smacked my (arthritic) knee upon some sharp corner of whatever. As i hopped up and down, on my good leg, I invoked the Patron Saint of Fertility, to TDW-MarkII’s amusement: “F#ck! F#ckity, f#ck, f#ck, f#ck!”

        oh! Squirrel!

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