Did I miss a Constitutional Amendment?

Does the numbers of Twitter followers a President has change his Constitutional authority?

Are there milestones like at 10 Million followers he can pass a law without congress, at 50 Million he gets to be President for life?

I’m looking at Wikipedia and can’t see how Twitter followers affects the Executive’s powers or responsibilities.

I didn’t think this is something that the President should worry about, expect it seems that Biden is also a petty mean girl who really cares how many people on Twitter like him.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Did I miss a Constitutional Amendment?”
  1. Remember when Trump deleting his own tweets from his personal account to correct typos was a treasonous violation of some sort of government records act?

  2. The way I read it, it sounds like Jen Psaki is calling out Twitter, not President Trump:

    remember when @barackobama passed 12 million Twitter followers on to Trump team for the @potus account he had started and Twitter embraced it? I do…

    President Obama’s administration started the @POTUS Twitter account (because I seriously doubt the man did it himself), and because he was social-media-savvy and popular with the younger generation of social media users, it quickly gathered 12 million followers.

    When President Trump’s administration took over the official account, Twitter could see that Trump was just as popular as Obama and would expand the account’s following to both sides of the political spectrum. When Trump took over the account, it had ~13 million followers; when he was kicked off, it had over 33 million.

    They were excited about it back then. “Positively giddy”, even. (Let me know if you get the reference.)

    Some people remember that, and there are plenty on both sides who disapprove of Big Tech de-platforming a sitting President.

    Whether you support Free Speech or not, you don’t just de-platform a sitting President. Especially not after the courts decided that he can’t block critics on Twitter.

    When you think about it, Twitter just effectively did what the courts said Trump himself couldn’t do, for which they sued him. If anything, that makes their actions to remove his voice even more hypocritical.

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