Some of the places I have to go for work are Gun Free Zones and some are not, but you can tell they would frown on Carry. My solution after a bit of research was this: Reminton RM380 in a Galco Tuck-N-Go 2.0 holster and 2 spare mags in a Sticky Holsters double mag pouch.

When not regularly clipped to my belt, the holster can be removed quickly and slip in the pants’ pocket without problem. The mags do stay inside a pocket all the time, but the pouch keeps them secured and oriented to my liking.  If the location is fully GFZ, I can remove all quickly and secure it in a gun box without having to do the Disarming Macarena/Strip Tease in the parking lot.

Sharing in case somebody needed an idea for his/her own EDC.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Discreet EDC System”
  1. I worked in an office setting on and off for 24 years, massively anti gun people and gfz. It was 50/50 beta males and Karen’s, but the pay was excellent and I spent a great deal of time by myself in the field. I wore out 2 pairs of thunderwear carrying a rohrbaugh r9s or a kahr cm40, and a couple of spare mags. I told no one. After I retired, and a couple of years went by, I finally told a neutral-ish coworker. He was flabbergasted. He asked why I did it. I replied with a couple of questions of my own. Did anyone get hurt? Who would have stopped a disgruntled employee or customer intent on harm? We had a few tense moments over those years, and I could always be found off to a side, quietly observing. After thinking about it over a beer, he thanked me for protecting all of them. I will always be of a mind that my continued breathing trumps a beta males feewings.

  2. I worked in an office setting on and off for 24 years, massively anti gun people and gfz. It was 50/50 beta males and Karen’s, but the pay was excellent and I spent a great deal of time by myself in the field. I wore out 2 pairs of thunderwear carrying a rohrbaugh r9s or a kahr cm40, and a couple of spare mags. I told no one. After I retired, and a couple of years went by, I finally told a neutral-ish coworker. He was flabbergasted. He asked why I did it. I replied with a couple of questions of my own. Did anyone get hurt? Who would have stopped a disgruntled employee or customer intent on harm? We had a few tense moments over those years, and I could always be found off to a side, quietly observing. After thinking about it over a beer, he thanked me for protecting all of them. I will always be of a mind that my continued breathing trumps a beta males feewings.

  3. Used to know a guy,veho would carry a Kimber micro 9 in a pocket holster. Back when he worked in a setting where that was a concern.

    Because, OF COURSE, it’s not any sort of concern, now

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