That is Dr. Fauci realizing his limelight is disappearing fast.

Walmart to allow vaccinated shoppers, workers to go maskless (

Publix Drops Mask Mandate For Fully Vaccinated Customers And Employees – CBS Miami (

Trader Joe’s will no longer require customers to wear masks | TheHill

Costco ends mask requirement in some areas | TheHill

Anchorage Assembly ends mask mandate, effective immediately – Anchorage Daily News (

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Do you hear that faint sobbing in the background?”
  1. He’ll just have to console himself with the almost half a million dollars a year us taxpayers are paying his treasonous ass.

    I hope that Keebler Elf reject chokes on his own hubris and spends eternity being anal swabbed by Satan himself.

  2. So how the hell is Walmart or any other store supposed to enforce that policy? The only thing they have a legal right to ask to see is your receipt. If they force the issue and demand to see proof of vaccination, which is a medical record, then they could possibly get into legal trouble.

    1. The simple answer is not to enforce it, but merely to post a sign saying what they want people to do. Then it’s up to the honor system.
      It doesn’t matter anyway. If masks help, then failure to wear a mask when not vaccinated only puts that person at risk. The vaccinated aren’t affected so they should not care. (In D states they probably do care, since they have been effectively brainwashed.)

  3. White House internal polling must have shown support was cratering.

    Or they wanted to stop talking about the jobs report, the pipeline, or inflation.

    The sudden, massive reversal is telling. Nashville health officials announced that they were keeping all restrictions earlier in the day, then four hours later they reversed so fast and so hard that local businesses are confused as to what the actual policy is now.

    In that foyr hour interim they apparently had a meeting with the CDC.

  4. I guessed mid last year that a lot of what Fauchi and the Deep Sate was doing was covering up.
    US tax dollars were used in a Chinese lab to develop a virus that was used as an excuse to destroy a 21 trillion dollar economy and steal a presidential election?
    Yeah, they gotz a lot to cover up.

  5. It’s being reported that here in New York, Cuomo has decided “masks are staying”, but that’s not entirely accurate, his criminal administration has only said they are reviewing the CDC guidance on what to do next. If he’s insane enough to go against the CDC guidance and insist masks stay, then maybe we’ll be treated to another accuser coming forward. That seems to previously have helped alleviate restrictions.

  6. One the NIH and HHS links to the Wuhan Lab and makong viruses more deadly (see recent Sentate hearing or look up the info on the NHS site), during the Obama years, we have the White House (and their surrogates) cave in less than two days on mask mandates. Two weeks ago they were saying “maybe” no maks by NEXT Mother’s Day.
    No tinfoil hat oor black helicopters needed: it happended as soon as Sen. Paul brought out the ‘receipts’.

  7. I went to my corner True Value Hardware store last week. Another guy walking in at the same time, my wife and I put on our masks because the store used to have a sign saying they want us to. We walked in and nobody in the store had a mask on. So we took ours off.

  8. Our local (Space Coast) ACE, Publix, Winn-Dixie, Lowe’s and most other chains still have their signs up but they quit asking people to mask up last fall. The only box store that keeps insisting on masking is Home Depot. Needless to say they don’t get my business.

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