Nearly a million Tutsis were hacked to death with machetes by Hutus after the Hutu led government came to power in Rwanda saying something similar.

This is why the Democrats cannot be allowed to have power.  They don’t want to govern.

They want to destroy us for not electing Hillary back in 2016.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Do you need more of a reason to vote for Trump”
  1. The Democrats aren’t going to be nice simply because we were nice to them. Were they nice when they passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote? Were they being nice when they impeached Trump after fabricating the entire case against him?

  2. Republicans are about to learn that when the power is with the OTHER party, payback is a fucking bitch.

    He says that like it’s a new thing. It’s the history of the two party system.

    As Obama said, “elections have consequences” and “I have a pen and phone” (executive orders). We won, so suck it.

  3. I do not know why the folks on the left seem to think that as soon as they get a majority in a house of Congress, or a President in the White House, that they have achieved some thousand year reign. Do these people have zero idea of history?

    Generally, a political party does not hold the Presidency for more than two terms, generally, a political party does not hold a majority in either house for decades. (Although the Dems do see to have a majority in the House more often than the Republicans.) Control switches.

    Declaring that payback is coming, and actually carrying through with that threat is very dangerous. Reid pulled the nuclear option and removed the filibuster for Presidential appointees. Then the Dems wanted it put back as soon as the Republicans got a simple majority in the Senate. Would Reid had taken that action if he thought the Republicans were going to actually get a Senate majority any time in the near future?

  4. The part I’m still having trouble understanding, is how ~99% of the hostility is one-sided.

    “…payback is a f@#$ing b@#$h.”

    Agreed, but did Republicans seek payback after Obama was elected? Clinton? Carter? Or did they grumble for a few minutes about their candidate not winning, then settle down to get business done as best they could?

    If (God forbid!) Harris/Biden wins, will Republicans fire the first shots in CW2? Or will we grumble for a few minutes and then settle down to business? (Not to say that when the first shots are fired we’re not ready to rumble … just that we’re not going to fire the first shots.)

    Contrast that with the Left. They’re ready to burn the country down if Trump wins. They’ve been ideologically ready for almost five years (ever since Hillary declared her candidacy), but now they’re boots-on-the-ground ready. There will be no grumbling and getting to business. If their gal and guy lose, it’s game on.

    (Ironically, it’s probably significantly less damaging to the country if they lose; it’ll be painful but quick, like ripping off a Band-Aid. If they win, it’ll be a long-term, slow socialist death.)

    But it’s all one-sided. One group is still willing to work within the system — which for all its flaws is still the finest system of government devised by man — and the other is ready to burn the whole thing down out of spite.

    This will not end well.

    1. As an afterthought, if Trump wins, he will almost certainly have both the electoral majority and the popular vote…

      … which means a minority is willing to burn down the majority.

      And here I thought they were all about democracy and majority rule! [/snark]

      Yeah, I know. They only care about majority rule when they’re the majority. Because it’s not about the majority, or electoral votes. It’s not really even about Trump.

      It’s about gaining power and control. It’s always about power and control.

      1. They are preparing the ground to claim that the election was stolen by Trump through voter suppression and fraud. So it won’t matter if Trump wins the popular vote and the electoral college. They will cry, “We wuz robbed!!” And their minions will take to the streets.

        1. @Lee Scott:

          Agreed, but I follow “War on Guns” blogger David Codrea’s maxim of, “Any chair in a bar fight” — i.e., use all available tools to win. The corollary of that is to deny as many tools to your opponents as you can.

          Part of the Left’s issue with the 2016 election is that although Trump won the electoral vote, Hillary won the popular vote. This led to protests demanding we abolish the electoral college, because Trump not needing the popular vote to win is cheating somehow. (It’s really not, but that was part of the controversy.)

          If he wins the electoral vote AND the popular vote, they’ll still scream about voter suppression and fraud. Unless Harris/Biden win, they’re going to anyway.

          But denying them the “abolish the electoral college” argument just weakens their position that much more. We’re already fighting for our rights on multiple fronts, and I’d like to see them reduced as much as possible. 🙂

  5. Clarity is everything. Understanding what we want America to be, the foundations that created the best nation in history, and what the next generation will inherit from our decisions, is extremely important. This year may be the most important of the twenty-first century. Let’s look at what are the choices that we all must address, not thinking of ourselves, but for this generation, the next, and the future of America.
    If we vote democratic (The Democratic Party is not the same as decades ago, not even a decade ago, becoming far more progressive, which doesn’t mean progress, and radical), our borders will become a sieve, flooded and unchecked. That means people just seeking a better opportunity, good people, though illegally entering, will be accompanied by criminals, terrorists, and anyone else we can imagine. Illegal arms, drugs, and other criminal activities will soar in this country. Human trafficking will grow. Our families will endure danger the likes of which we don’t yet comprehend. Sanctuary cities, maybe states, will increase, becoming places for many to abide, eventually many taking their crimes to other cities and states.
    Abortion, which has already gone far through the roof, will skyrocket. We will hear of babies aborted right up to birth, even after birth, and the resulting deaths will create an atmosphere the likes we don’t yet understand or can comprehend. Life will become meaningless for many. We will experience the ramifications everywhere. That I leave readers to consider the full meaning.
    Crime will soar. We have already seen how the left deals with crimes. Many criminals won’t serve their sentences, certainly not fully, and some of the worst criminals will be let out onto our streets. Many will be hired, even though they haven’t truly changed for the better, and many will continue perpetrating crimes in our neighborhoods. As such, together with the above, there will be “training” in companies and organizations, causing all of us to “understand” people, have “compassion” for people, but not in a way that promotes responsibility,and how we are allowed to talk. Step outside their “box”, think for yourself, and you will (most likely) be fired, ostracized by social media and the media, and “retrained.” And if you are retrained, you will be watched for the rest of your lives.
    The police will be completely controlled. There will be reeducation camps, reeducation training, and they will not be able to pursue criminals as they should. More recently, we’ve seen police pursuits where the police following criminals could not quickly stop the fleeing criminals. In older days, when things made sense, the police would have stopped those criminals in a heartbeat, not follow them for endless miles until they ran out of gas or stopped and ran on foot. Police will not be able to use tried and reliable methods of bringing criminals down. As such, more and more criminals will treat the police with wanton disregard. We saw it with the recent mobs when police were told not to stop the mobs. And we saw how those disregarding the police became ever more violent. With a changing of the guards, we’ll see this type of behavior soar. And another effect will be our youth having disrespect or contempt for our bravest in blue. They won’t back the blue. They’ll be fed constant propaganda, more so than these days, and they’ll grow up not knowing what society once was when things were good.
    In schools, your children will be reeducated. They’ll be taught to disregard America, to see America as an evil nation, and the propaganda will soar. More focus will be spent on standards rather than basic skills leading to creative and life building lessons and projects. They will be taught all manner of improper behavior as good, that they need to “understand,” but those students of moral and traditional beliefs will be the one’s getting in trouble. More parents will home school as a result, which is good, but more policy controls will be placed on parents regarding how to teach their children. Parents will become swamped by all the minutia of information required, much of which doesn’t prepare their children for life ahead. More teachers will leave the profession, however, due to the increasing vetting processes in college and school administrations (which will change), the only teachers will be those who support the left and radical left. There will be constant “training” for these teachers, during the week, on some weekends, and during the summer, ensuring they are fully propagandized, that common sense, traditional teachers cannot remain, replaced by left and radical instructors.
    The media, which already is far left, many radical, will become even more radical. Decent people will be targeted. Decent, moral people will become even more the silent majority. Perhaps, with time, they will find ways of returning our country to greatness, but it will not be pretty, not by a long margin. It will be a great struggle. We will see good people in high places under constant target, every effort to mar their names, prevent them from speaking, and put them in jail, among other things. Conservative radio and television hosts will find making a living becoming increasingly difficult. Their stations will be regulated to prevent quality programming. And our courts will be packed with radical left Supreme Court justices that do not believe in the constitution. We have nine justices today. There may be fifteen later, all the new ones radical justices that don’t believe in the constitution. There will be far more executive decisions that are not constitutional, but they’ll have the radical justices to support their agendas. Make no mistake. Life will radically change like you’ve never imagined, for the radical left will be desperate to prevent Christian conservatives and conservatives from ever getting back into political high offices.
    You can say goodbye to your guns. Oh, they may not outright take our guns away, at least, not at first, but they will make it extremely difficult to have or use one for protection. There will be an incredible amount of regulations, restrictions, and other controls. For instance, many types of firearms will be outlawed. Magazines will be further limited on ammo count. Design requirements will increase, causing gun prices to soar, which will cause gun manufacturers, due increasing radical lawsuits, supported by the packed courts, to go out of business. That also leads to arms with more problems, with less repair times.
    But it will be much worse. In some states, gun owners are required to separate the gun from the magazine, but concealed carry permits will become a thing of the past, or very few. There will be increasing places where you cannot carry or have. That’s great for the criminals who don’t follow the law, and with criminals and terrorists coming across borders and not prosecuted, no one will feel safe. And when people do defend themselves and their families, they will have all their arms taken and they’ll be sent to prison. Remember the family facing a mob coming for them, many in front of their home, telling them what they’re going to do? One fellow, maybe more, were outside, I believe holding a rifle to protect themselves, and they were the ones prosecuted, though I believe they were eventually released, though they did have all of their arms taken, which we hope, were returned. Well, with the left and radicals in charge, all that will change. Every time someone defends themselves and their families, they will be targets. Perhaps they will have to be “retrained.” It will become a situation in which citizens won’t know what law they’re breaking. All purchasers of firearms will come with necessary training, to propagandize them, making defense a near impossibility. People will live in fear.
    And with the radicalization of our country, social media and twitter will be full of propagandists and radicals constantly filling the air ways. They’ll also be taking pictures and people’s words out of context, using the social media and radical news agencies to create public opinions. And this will seriously damage our youth, for unless parents take full control of raising their children, they will be left at the mercy of those attempting to upend the U.S. Constitution and America.
    Just look at how a wonderful Supreme Court Justice candidate is being treated. Her job, if she’s accepted as the next justice, is not to place her, or anyone else’s, opinions into the court. Her job is to follow the law, follow the U.S. Constitution as it is written, and make judgements based upon law and the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Constitution coming first. In that way, we have separation of powers and a better guarantee of individual and societal freedom with responsibility. While she might “feel” like helping elephants should be outlawed, or that another project warrants support, she first has to check them with the Constitution and laws on the books, also judging whether laws on the books are Constitutional. She cannot be persuaded by special interests. For if justices can move and sway with opinion, there will be no law and order, no real freedom, and no real America.
    But if the radical left have their way, they will only put in the court those who can be persuaded by special interests and the radical left. We won’t have an America, or one we can recognize, any more. And if they get in power, it will happen very fast. So fast, in fact, that we won’t be able to reverse course. They’re depending upon that. That’s part of why they use the media and other organization to propagandize us like never before.
    As we’ve shared in the past. It’s extremely important that people follow the rabbit of reason. It’s important people know the real issues. And with more and more people thinking for themselves, rationally, our country has the hope of a better tomorrow.

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