By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Do you want to buy Thunder Ranch? It is up for sale.”
  1. Wow! I suppose that it was bound to happen someday.

    The video suggests that they’ll be conducting training around Vegas as well as traveling. So far, I haven’t been able to make it to OR and he hasn’t made it to NE.


  2. Nice property, but who wants to move to Oregon? It’s ran by stupid Democrats and Antifa, even forcing you to wear that useless chin diaper when outdoors…

  3. That’s a pretty steep price for a couple of sheds on an 800 acre rocky hillside. In that area you can get a much nicer, more usable and three times larger piece of land for less than half of this pile of Bideneros. And if you were to spend this sort of cash on a property, why on Earth would you dump it into a dumpster fire like Oregon?

  4. I didn’t realize TR was in Oregon; for some reason I thought Arizona. That would make it a whole lot more attractive.

  5. I hope he does more travel classes. I wanted to go to TR but it’s way out in the middle of nowhere so you have to fly then rent a car and hotels are limited.

    Also, using lead free ammo is expensive as hell, driving up the cost of the class.

    If he did a national tour I’d find one closer to me and go.

  6. I just looked more closely. It isn’t a sale of Thunder Ranch (the business by that famous name) — it’s only the sale of a home and chunk of land in the boonies of the People’s Republic of Oregon.
    Might still be nice, but for that the price seems a tad high.

  7. I was curious, clicked on the link, saw “Oregon” and closed the link.

    And I’m not even from the US 😀

    But I see from the comments that I was not wrong 😉

  8. This is a result of the changes to Oregon’s law… And yes, too much for just land and a house and cabin. ESPECIALLY in Oregon!

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