Via Wirecutter.

According to investigators, a guard at a Marriott hotel in Orlando was patrolling around 1:30 AM Thursday when he spotted a man “pushing  a trash can toward his Honda van.” When the suspect reached the vehicle, he removed a bag from the can and placed it inside his auto.

Finding the man’s actions suspicious, the guard peaked through the van’s window and “noticed the bag was full of unused toilet paper rolls that belonged to the hotel.”

The bag, cops say, contained 66 rolls of toilet paper valued at 99 cents apiece.

Hernandezcinto, who initially provided cops with a fake name, was arrested for theft from a public lodging establishment, a felony. The Orlando resident was booked into the Orange County jail, from which he was released yesterday on $2500 bond.

Toilet Paper Bandit Caught In Act, Arrested On Felony Theft Charge, Cops Report

A lot of people do not understand how stern are  the laws for the protection of lodging and hospitality in the State of Florida. Tourism is our oil, our main product an the industry takes no crap when it comes to its own defense.  That guy steals the same amount of rolls from a Costco and he would probably have gone home with an appearance ticket. This idiot caught a felony charge for $66  which, if he is illegal, he can be expelled. And if he is a Resident, he could lose his visa.

Florida Hotels: Just don’t f*** with them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Don’t mess with the hotels in Florida.”
  1. Thank God that fine reporter pointed out that the toilet paper being pilfered was ‘unused’. I was worried there for a moment.

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