But is it me or most of the magazines from the Santa Monica shooter appear to be unloaded? Warning: I am a total zero on AR/M4 stuff so I will take any input and explanation.
PS: Anybody knows about a bigger/better definition pic, let me know.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
But is it me or most of the magazines from the Santa Monica shooter appear to be unloaded? Warning: I am a total zero on AR/M4 stuff so I will take any input and explanation.
PS: Anybody knows about a bigger/better definition pic, let me know.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Here’s a slightly larger image than the one you have.
If you look at the bottom most magazine near the lower, right hand corner of the image, you’ll see a notch in the magazine. That’s located on the upper, left side of the magazine near the rear. Follow the line immediately forward of that notch to the top of the magazine, there you’ll see the lips that hold the ammunition in place. Ordinarily, if a magazine is loaded, you can see the ammunition from that line all the way to front of the magazine, if you’re looking straight down at it. I arranged three magazines like the three bottom most magazines in the image and I can clearly see the ammunition. The bottom most magazine in the image appears to be unloaded.
The blue magazine located in the upper portion of the image also appears to be unloaded. Ordinarily you can see the ammunition through that notch and on that magazine, only a shadow is visible.
There are 20 magazines clearly visible in that image, the claim was that he had 1,300 rounds, that would require 44 magazines. He also wore a load bearing vest with magazines, I would think it’s quite possible that he had more than 44 magazines. He also had three zip guns and that black powder revolver was converted to shoot regular .45 caliber ammunition.
Here’s another picture that shows 33 magazines, most appear to be loaded.
Here’s a picture of part of his rig, it looks like it holds 6 magazines.
Here’s a different angle of the same scene.
Here’s a pic of his zips guns.
Wait….zip guns are illegal…..I call BS on this one…..
I want to know where the lower receiver is. Every picture I have seen just shows the upper.
Do the math on how much all the ammo and mags they said he had would weigh…
A loaded 30rd magazine weighs almost exactly 1lb. 44 lbs? That’s doable. It’s not tactically advantageous, but it’s certainly not impossible. I’m very pro-2a, but I really hate arguments with no bearing on reality.
As a lawyer once told me, “Never ask a question to which you don’t already know the answer.”