By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Effing Mondays”
  1. We all laugh at this, but be careful with new shooters, it makes more sense to push the pointed end into the magazine first. It is easier.

    I’ve seen new shooters do exactly this. Fortunately their training person, me, was there to explain why that was a bad idea.

    I’ve also found that as I’ve gotten older I really really want my magazine loading cheaters.

    The hook on the back of a grease gun stock, the cheap thing that comes with Glock’s and the nicer one I bought for my daughter.

    Unfortunately that universal reloading tool doesn’t work for grease gun mags.

    1. Yup, I’ve seen new shooters do the same thing. If you just look at the magazine and not think about how it actually works, it does make more sense to load the bullets pointy end first. My wife still makes this mistake, which is why I religiously watch everything she does when we’re at the range.

  2. The range I go to has had so many new gun owners make so many mistakes and safety violations that they have people there that talk to everyone in the lines with the safety rules. They instruct us and use a tone that makes me feel they are treating us like we are a bunch of five year olds. To be honest I feel insulted and demeaned when they talk to us like that. The range has a cease fire every 15 minutes and they over the intercom tell us to unload and open everything and leave the table so the range officer can check so we can replace the targets. Simple. They end up telling us at least 4 and I once counted 14 times during one cease fire not to touch anything. People still do. Constantly. One idiot tried to start shooting during these cease fire when people were downrange putting up targets. I have seen women shooting guns and they turn around pointing the loaded gun at the person that took them or helping them.

    1. You know why they tell you these things.

      Because there’s some people who literally are that stupid.

      I don’t blame you for being insulted, but you should be MORE insulted (if not terrified) that there are people buying guns who need this level of instruction.

      1. Are people committing those violations summarily and permanently ejected? If not, that would be a reason for those things to happen frequently.

  3. Reminds me of an old Bryco 9mm, except it would be the ‘ejected’ case, rotated 180° and stuffed back into the chamber. Ramrod req’d to eject.

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