I know that 2014 seems like forever ago, but it really wasn’t.

In 2014, a software engineer named Brendan Eich was famous for creating JavaScript and co-founding the software group Mozilla.

He was selected to be the new CEO of the Mozilla company.  By every measure, he was the right choice.

There was only one problem.  Brendan Eich is a Catholic.  He decided to put his money where his faith was, and he donated $300 to the Prop 8 campaign to ban gay marriage in the State of California.

Some people in the software community publicized this information, leading to the protest of Mozilla, the dating site OK Cupid stopped its site from working on the FireFox platform, and Eich was forced to step down from CEO of the company he helped create in three days.

The justification of all of this was that his paltry donation was tantamount to anti-LGBT bigotry and regardless of there being no history of discrimination, his donation was a very public thing requiring such extreme action.

Fast forward to Yesterday in Texas.  Joaquin Castro is the Democratic Congressman of Texas’ 20th Congressional district, which includes much of San Antonio.

Castro is also the brother of Obama HUD Secretary, former Mayor of San Antonio, and current clown in the Democrat Primary clown car, Julian Castro.

Joaquin went to Twitter and named 44 people in San Antonio who donated the legal maximum to Donald Trump.  He gave their names and the names of their employers, saying “Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’”

He defended his actions by saying that all this information was public record.

We’ve seen this tactic before when newspapers in New York published the names of pistol permit holders and other newspapers wanted to publish the names of concealed carry permit holders.

There is a difference between information being publicly available and it being widespread.

It is, but that is not the point.

The point is to make it clear that those who donate to Donald Trump in his Congressional district are not safe from retribution.

The goal of this tactic is clear, make potential Republican donors fear donating.  Especially small business owners.

One defense of what Juaquin Casto did has been “if they are proud of their donation, why not make their names public.”

The answer is, of course, because they don’t want radical Leftist trying to destroy their business or get them fired for their donations.

If Trump wins again in 2020, I can tell you what they are going to do next.  Forget attacking the electoral college, the Democrats are going to try and end the secret ballot.

If you are proud of your vote than there is no reason to keep is a secret, right?

Trust me, you will hear that argument made mainstream sooner than later.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Eich was just the first and I can tell you where this will end”
  1. Eich is now responsible for the “Brave” web browser, which I’ve been using since I abandoned Firefox. It was a bit choppy at first, but updates over the past year have made it into a really nice, quick browser that is privacy minded and secure.

  2. They probably won’t make us wear yellow stars, already been used, maybe a Red Elephant, if you are a registered Republican, or a black AR-15 silhouette if you’re an NRA or a GOA member.

  3. It’s all fun and games until the first death… And Castro will claim that he had ‘nuttin’ to do with it… Somebody needs to dox his ass.

  4. Steve Scalise wrote a good op-ed in the WSJ against this terrorist act today. He understands what this is all about — Castro is trying to Scalise some more people.
    I hope the Texans in question are adequately armed and well-informed about the state’s laws on justified deadly force.
    I know if someone around here tried to pull a stunt like this on me, I’d reply along the lines of “Please be aware of NH RSA 627 before you take any actions based on this information”.

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