An update that was made to Michigan’s totals is raising red flags after 138,339 votes were found in the state which happened to all go to Joe Biden. Not a single one went to President Trump. As the Federalist’s Sean Davis quipped, “That doesn’t look suspicious at all.”

In his post about the update, he showed before and after screenshots of The New York Times’s map of the state.

Click to enlarge. Compare all quantities.

Soon after, Twitter put a warning on his post that “some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.”

Twitter Slaps Warning on People Pointing Out ‘Suspicious’ Michigan Update

Somebody commented that this election needs to be taken to SCOTUS. I fear that there will be no other peaceful recourse.

And for the love of God, send some legal wolves, not some poodles who believe in “fairness.”  or in the words of Marsellus Wallace “ a coupla pipe-hittin’ n*****s, who’ll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch

They are cheating, it is time to do away with niceties and politeness.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Electoral Fraud in Michigan. Twitter censors. “Nothing to see here.””
  1. Between that and WI changing a bunch if reported Jorgensen votes to Biden votes, this all stinks worse than normal.

  2. This election and the election of Kamala Harris is the greatest fraud ever put upon the American people. And they’re going to get away with it.

    I don’t think the republic survives. But that was the intention of the democratic party anyway.

    The governor of Pennsylvania said that there are 1 million ballots have to be counted and then said they are 3 million ballots have to be counted. Wonder how many are going to go towards Biden? Besides all of them?

    1. PA ballots were going to be counted even if they arrived after Election Day, as long as they were post-marked by Election Day. Then they were allowed in if the signatures didn’t match, or even unsigned. The PA Supreme Court set the rules.

      If there’s a better way to guarantee fraud, I can’t think of it.

      And SCOTUS is allowing it by refusing to hear the case.

      1. SCOTUS is just an extension of the Democratic Party even in its current configuration. If it goes to scotus expect them to side with Biden. Also expect to pull this in 2022 to take over the senate and house and then the court packing can begin so it becomes the place where all legislation the dems pass is rubber stamp approved when challenged to be unconstitutional. Because we won’t have a constitution anymore. It will have been removed.

        When the Democrats ban free speech and making criticism of then illegal SCOTUS will approve.

        When the Democrats totally ban all private gun ownership with mandatory buy be land door to door confiscation SCOTUS will approve. Even if the legislation mandated all United States citizens found with a firearm after the buyback period ends are to be executed without trial. SCOTUS approves.

        When healthcare is taken over and it is mandated you have to pay for it. SCOTUS will approve.

        When the Democrats implement taxes based upon being white. SCOTUS will approve.

        When private property is abolished SCOTUS will approve.

        The removal of the bill of rights totally and making it illegal to oppose the government SCOTUS will approve.

        The mandated extermination of all United States citizens that oppose the Democrats in any way authorizing the deployment of nuclear weapons to kill every single solitary person they want SCOTUS will approve.

        We won’t be alive to watch them rule over the ruins. We will already been killed when they mandate the complete and total extermination of all gun owners and there families. However we won’t be shot. We will be killed when the nukes are deployed to quell the civil war they create faster they declare the entire United States population that opposes them are to create exterminated. They get to rule over the irradiated wasteland devoid of life because the extermination of all life in the United States is a acceptable action to take to keep there power.

        And SCOTUS will approve.

    2. Made a similar comment on the DS9 post.

      The US will survive a Biden/Harris presidency. We survived eight years of Obama’s pen and phone, we can survive this.

      What we cannot survive is an electorate that wants what the Dems are offering. It is not the king of fools that gets elected that will ruin the US, it is the fools that put that king in place.

  3. Michigan and Wisconsin are now called for Biden. With Nevada, that gives Biden the 270 EC votes. It’s over.

    1. IF Biden gets Nevada. Right now he is only 7,600 votes in the lead. That;s not very much, not at 75% counted. NV will give either Trump or Biden the win, unless GA or NC or PA suddenly switches over to BIden. And that doesn’t seem very likely right now. It’s still possible for Trump to win. At least until the Democrats know for sure how many ballots they need to “find” to make up the difference. NV is going to be doing a recount, and there will be all sorts of shenanigans on all sides, is my prediction.

  4. The linked article says that “it has now been explained”.
    Well, for some definition of “explained”. It is claimed to be a data error. Perhaps. But it’s not a round number, as you would expect. I suppose it could be that they entered numbers for all candidates except Biden and then realized the omission. Perhaps.
    The explanation would be a whole lot more credible if it came with details, stating what was done wrong precisely. Without such details I remain sceptical.

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