Some behind the scenes information and the results.

Miguel has been paying for a number of features for the blog, above and beyond just the cost of hosting. One of these was the “jetpack” WordPress plugin.

As part of his retirement plan he passed that cost off to J.Kb and AWA. When the blog lost the ability to add comments and likes, that was the old license expiring. A new license was put in place. Unfortunately that cost the site a bunch of history as it did not connect to the old license information.

The admins lost a bunch of statistics but that’s not a big deal.

What is more painful is that the new license doesn’t have all of your wonderful subscriptions. If you would like to receive GunFreeZone via email, please just signup in the form to the right (or down below if you are on a mobile).

We are very sorry for this.

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By awa

One thought on “Email notifications”
  1. …and now we know. Thank you – I very much appreciate learning the backstory, as it were, when things go awry.
    No worries, easy enough to re-up. Also good to know it wasn’t the site’s stalker-hacker nor something wonky with my email provider. (Not that any of them would quietly lose or move to spam content they didn’t approve of…)

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