
Clear?  Wanting to preserve female sports for biologically female athletes is white supremacism.

See, recently this news came out, as reported by The Guardian, since US news is garbage.

Trans women retain 12% edge in tests two years after transitioning, study finds

A groundbreaking new study on transgender athletes has found trans women retain a 12% advantage in running tests even after taking hormones for two years to suppress their testosterone. The results, researchers suggest, indicate the current International Olympic Committee guidelines may give trans women an “unfair competitive advantage” over biological women.

The research, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that before starting their hormone treatment trans women performed 31% more push-ups and 15% more sit-ups in one minute on average than a biological women younger than 30 in the air force – and ran 1.5 miles 21% faster.

Yet after suppressing their testosterone for two years – a year longer than IOC guidelines – they were still 12% faster on average than biological females.

The trans women also retained a 10% advantage in push-ups and a 6% advantage in sit-ups for the first two years after taking hormones, before their advantage disappeared. But the researchers say they “may underestimate the advantage in strength that trans women have over cis women … because trans women will have a higher power output than cis women when performing an equivalent number of push-ups”.

Now we have actual, factual data that shows what common sense has been telling us all along.

This is important because this contradicts the IOC’s arbitrary standard for letting trans-women compete in female games.

So science has to be eliminated.  White supremacism is the new Jüdische Physik.

If the data doesn’t match the narrative, it is white supremacist, regardless of it not having anything to do with race in any way.

We are plowing straight ahead into a new dark ages of ignorance at the speed of social media.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Everything that goes against the narrative is white supremacism”
  1. It’s not easy to identify a scrotum at birth? Come on man, it’s almost as big as the baby’s head right at birth.

    There’s no “biological difference” juxtaposed right next to “they must suppress the primary male hormone for two years before they may complete” and this unnatural hormone suppression is not a “power to control people’s bodies?”

    It must be horrible to attempt to function in society with this level of delusion.

  2. I hope this lady had help setting up the strawman she was fighting there.

    ‘Men and boys are always better, stronger, faster, and more skilled than women and girls’. Um, no, that’s -not- what’s being argued, you bigoted little dangerhair.

    The fact — backed up by actual science, not feelings — is that if you have a 17 year old boy and a 17 year old girl, both fit and in good health and exercising, the boy is going to outperform the girl. It has nothing to do with sexism or white supremacy. It’s biology and physics, nothing more.

  3. You know what? I’m fine with allowing transgender athletes to compete in womens’ sports. Give the TERFs a foothold and let the left eat itself.

    Enemies can be your sword or your shield. Simply show them which.

  4. I say let them compete.

    If you want to claim that the sexes are equal in all ways, what is the problem.

    It will only be through the self destruction of women’s sports that idiots like Chase here will learn their lesson.

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