I saw this ove@TactiCoolMemes and had to check it out. Screen caps says it all. Power struggles, racism, psychological manipulation

And what I found next is interesting. What the coordinators get paid for pushing the Gun Control agenda. The only coordinator position I know of are those individuals mentioned by Everytown themselves a local or state coordinators.

On the left, Michelle Gajda, Florida coordinator with Husband-Cheating, Anti Gun GOP State Senator Anitere Flores. Nice to know that Ms. Gadja gets between $46K and $50 to work for Everytown.

I keep saying it: We need a Billionaire on our side to win soon and completely.  The Opposition has well paid coordinators, funding to transport people around and I imagine feeding them too. If we had access to half those resources, we would probably had NFA beaten by now.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Everytown apparently is not a nice place to work.”
    1. If you think about it, the unspoken ideals in modern intersectionalist theory tend to be utterly white supremacist. The bedrock belief of SJW’s is that western white men are the ubermench, with the power to enslave and destroy all other races and cultures- all whom are too powerless and too stupid to stop them.

      Contrariwise, according to Leftist racial thinking, only the western white man can save the poor and oppressed brute beast that are the other races, if he can only awake and see the power and privilege that he alone possesses.

      Thus, it’s no surprise that Leftist orgs are racist, the same way that woke male feminist tend to be abusive towards women.

  1. My wife works in non-profit. I’d love to get her in as one of these coordinators…. But unfortunately all the local Bloomberg people know me.

  2. Two factors here.
    1. Not for profit. Remove the profit motivation, and people stop caring about productivity, efficiency, etc…
    2. Not reliant on customers for support (OR, you have a sugar daddy financing your incompetence.). Remove the need to have even a single satisfied customer from the equation, and you get a lousy place to work.

    The NRA is a not for profit, but they also have some 6 million customers that they rely on for funding. So, #1 is trumped by #2. But, put government funding into the mix, or said billionaire, and you get an inefficient, horrible place to work.

    We do not need a billionaire financing our side. Not unless we want to have a f-up of an organization like Everymomdemandstownswithhighcrimerates. And, no right thinking billionaire would tolerate this type of crap.

  3. I noticed the most important thing was missing from the CON list.

    Namely, sell your soul and lie, lie, lie or defend your utter ignorance on the subject at hand so you can lie, lie, lie.

    If your work ethic requires you to be more partisan and deceptive than Pravda and you think yellow journalism is just being non-racist towards asians, that is the BIG problem.

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