NEW YORK (Reuters) – A New York City lawyer was found guilty in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday of bribing a police sergeant to help his clients get gun licenses.
John Chambers, who once worked as an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, was convicted by a jury of bribery, conspiracy and fraud after a little more than three hours of deliberations, which began Monday afternoon.

Prosecutors said he paid bribes including cash, Broadway tickets, clothes and an $8,000 watch to David Villanueva, a former sergeant in the New York Police Department’s gun licensing division. In exchange, they said, Villanueva helped Chambers’ clients bypass the normal channels for getting gun licenses.
“John Chambers paid bribe after bribe to put guns in the hands of people who had no business having them,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Monteleoni told jurors during his closing argument on Monday.

Villanueva was also charged, but pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and testified against Chambers during the trial last week. He said he repeatedly used his power to help Chambers’ clients, including one whose license was reinstated after being suspended after a report of a “domestic incident.”

The case emerged from a broader investigation in which at least two others have pleaded guilty to paying bribes for gun licenses. Alex Lichtenstein, a member of a volunteer safety patrol in an Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, was sentenced to 32 months in prison last year, while another man, Frank Soohoo, has been cooperating with authorities, according to court records. A lawyer for Soohoo could not immediately be reached for comment.

Ex-New York prosecutor found guilty in gun permit bribe case

That is four felons coming out of the shenanigans of NYPD’s License Division. Statistically, that is a rate of felons higher than the rate of people who had their concealed license permits revoked for any type of felony in Florida* and I may even dare to guess concealed license permit holders across the nation.

(* It stands at less than half of one percent of CWP revoked in Florida since its inception 30 years ago.)

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Ex-New York prosecutor found guilty in gun permit bribe case”
  1. “John Chambers paid bribe after bribe to put guns in the hands of people who had no business having them,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Monteleoni told jurors.

    Why did they have no business having guns? Were they felons? Were they judged mentally incompetent? If not then kindly go fuck yourself Mr. Monteleoni.

    CCW reciprocity now!

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