Like I  said, the media’s downplaying of Antifa throwing fireworks at federal law enforcement is dangerous.

Powerful fireworks are tantamount to bombs, but the media and Leftist activists insisted that these protests were non-violent.

So what happened?

Exactly like I predicted.

Antifa upped their game.  Now they are throwing actual homemade bombs.

The narrative has been established and it is providing cover for Antifa. This is going to continue to escalate and a federal offer will be killed.

Also, we have crossed into Weather Underground territory now.  The bombings have started and they won’t go away on their own.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Expected escalation is expected”
  1. The difference is that (as far as I remember) WU wasn’t supported by elected officials.

  2. Feds haven’t escalated because the despicable progtard ass-licking MSM will lie and twist the truth as usual to please their MinTru masters.

    This homemade bomb just turned up the pucker factor to 11 on the Fed’s and that creates itchy fingers. As soon as a Fed gets hurt extremely badly or dies because of these terrorists progtards (yes, they have crossed that line), the gloves will come off and screw what the MSM says.

    Stock up on popcorn, folks.

    1. I fail to understand why local government, or even federal government will not allow the LEO and/or Federal officers to overcome, arrest and/or return fire.
      The only reason I can perceive in the numerous videos that have been posted would be because of the magnitude of the peaceful protesters (cough, cough!) rioters.
      Looks like to me that MORE officers, trained and qualified in crowd control are needed and arrests need to be made.
      The mindset of the rioters has GOT to be altered!
      As I have read here, Stupid games yield Stupid results.

      1. It’s easy to understand why the state and local governments won’t allow the LEOs to respond: they are on the side of the terrorists. They have said so quite plainly.

        1. Sorry, I can’t accept that to be true. If they were really on the side of the (accurately described) terrorists, they would not show up at the peaceful (hah!) protests, and risk personal injury from hurled projectiles, fireworks, mortars, bombs and/or IED’s. And so many of them are visually unprepared for self bodily protection. No hats, helmets, or shields were present on many of the LEO’s.
          They are not on the side of the terrorists, their chain of command has tied their hands, preventing them from reacting short of being physically assaulted by one or more of the “peaceful protesters”.

  3. I fear the day these retarded communist wanna-be revolutionaries somehow discover the idea of shrapnel. That would up the lethality a hundredfold. Likely there will be as many own goals as law enforcement casualties, which to the planners of these protests might be a positive.

    I still think someone needs to set off one of those “fireworks” in a press conference. The media will be unable to stop their whining, crying, and self involved stories of terror. Then remind them hundreds of these were used against police across the nation.

    1. Antifa threw champagne bottles with exploding fireworks inside them at right-wing counterprotesters in 2017, so, yeah, they’re aware

  4. And I have every bit of confidence that the DC Dem Syphllic Clown Circus will continue to yell at the AG about oppressing peaceful demonstrators because of racism or something.

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