Buddy of mine just dropped me a message:

This is the bloody and savage meme that violated community standards.

And that is the moment you realize the “community standards” Facebook supports are made up as their lefty comptrollers feel like doing that day in between chai latte mochas with sprinkles and a garbanzo pizza with holistic tofu on top.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Facebook has already reached a verdict on the Rittenhouse case”
  1. Face Book is a free service to you. Did you ever think of wht it is FREE to you?

    YOU are NOT the Customer, You Are the PRODUCT.

    Facebook, Google, Instagram are all COLLECTING and SELLING your information. Your age, your sex, your buying habits, your income, everything they can find out about you. They have more information and power than the East Germany Stasi, Russian KGB, or Nazi Gestapo ever dreamed of.

  2. This is no different than the George Zimmerman trial. Anyone who paid attention to the trail itself was unsurprised by the verdict. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion based on the evidence presented.

    But anyone who “followed” the trail based on media coverage or social media was shocked and outraged because everything they’d seen said Zimmerman was guilty.

    Many of the fake news talking points about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin live on in popular memory even though they are patently untrue and most people who still venerate Trayvon Martin as an idyllic young teen selflessly walking in the rain to buy candy for his little brother will never believe the truth.

    By the way, I was just watching a show on Discovery+ with my wife the other night. They mentioned the George Zimmerman case in passing, but the picture they used to portray Trayvon Martin was the school picture from when he was 12 years old that depicts him as an innocent youngster, not the social media picture of him from a few weeks before his death showing him in a wife beater, backward hat and “grille” while displaying the middle fingers of both hands.

    And, just like George Zimmerman, Kyle Rittenhouse is going to be hounded by leftist true believers for the rest of his life after he’s acquitted.

  3. Seriously people. Word definitions change almost daily, facts change weekly, science never changes (until it does). How could any sane person keep up?

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