By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “FAFO Physics”
  1. Depends on how you enter the water. That would have been survivable if done correctly.

    May also be influenced by ETOH consumption..

    1. this. there’s physics involved in how you enter the water. IIRC you want to minimize initial surface area contact, then bend like a bean post-entry, to minimize penetrated depth and curve in the water.

      still don’t want to attempt it though.

  2. Hey Straight Shootr: Prolly not ETOH–most Aloha Snackbars don’t do that…
    Hey Sota: Physics, indeed. Learned the hard way, we wore tennis shoes and a long sleeve sweatshirt, arms straight out to the side, to jump in this quarry on an Army base when I was a kid. We figgered about 90 feet. Across from where we jumped, but lower on the cliff (we guessed 75′) was a simulated helicopter body, sticking out of the side of the cliff, skids and all. That’s where we started, till we grew enough cojones to make the big jump.
    I never saw anybody dive. (Yeah, yeah, they do in Mexico somewhere…) I knew of one that dived–broke his wrist.
    Recondos used to train in that quarry, early ’60’s. Young and dumb.

    1. From the link hh465 provided:
      “Toxicologic evaluation was remarkable for acute alcohol intoxication.”


      Acapulco cliff divers. Saw them in action back in 1980.

  3. Way back when, I took a Red Cross Lifesaving Course that included jumping into water from a height, in our class, about 20 feet. The technique was, we were told, derived from US Navy abandon ship training and required us to enter the water vertically, feet first, ankles crossed, arms across chest to protect throat and chin with one hand over the mouth and pinching the nose closed. No idea what the maximum survivable height was, but IIRC were told some ships may have 100 feet of freeboard.

    Looks like the guy in the video skipped that class…..

    1. and toes pointed down . Otherwise the front of the feet get pushed up and you’ll break your ankles.

      1. That in particular was the reason for legs together, cross the ankles. Keeps debris from between the legs, because it was assumed there will be debris in the water.

        Don’t remember anything about pointing the toes down, but the class was 50 years ago. Makes sense, though.

        RE: Tossing a rock in the water to see where the surface is. I learned, talking to a competitive diver, that’s why they pump some air into a pool – the bubbles disturb the surface enough the diver can see where it is.

  4. Hitting the water, even when I got it right, always kinda sucked. It’s not concrete, but it’s not a fluffy pillow, either, from the city pool high dive. I quit that stuff before I was 13. And Yeah, I’ve watched the cliff diving and the Olympic divers and there is a new thing called Death Diving. World record, 132 feet. The dude tosses a rock to make a splash, so he knows where the surface is. 132 feet? That’s enough time to scream Twice..
    Walk up to the edge of the pool,and dive in.

  5. When I was at Newport, RI–learning to be an officer and a janitor–two enlisted sailors tried to desert from a ship that was anchored in the harbor. It was late fall, and the harbor was COLD. Trust me on this, I was out on the bay in a 19-foot sailboat almost every weekend. Anyway, the two deserters decided they didn’t need to tighten the crotch straps on the Mae West life jackets both wore. They jumped the short distance from the deck of a frigate (Knox class, IIRC), their May Wests slid upward, trapping their arms, and both drowned in a few minutes and were found in the harbor the next morning. Pretty terrible way to die. Like the fool in the video above, it was a failure to properly assess what they–literally–were jumping into. It’s like the spring breakers that attempt alcohol-fueled jumps from balconies into a hotel pool.

    My parents told me all about jumping into water from a height. Dad told few stories of his time on a Fletcher-class destroyer in WWII, but one I remember was about how they learned to jump from a ship’s deck into the water in case they had to abandon ship. I wish more yoots benefited from similar warnings.

  6. If he lived he’d be facing:
    A dark purple bruise from his left ankle to his shoulder. The bruise will show every wrinkle and stitch of his clothing. Right arm purple and possibly dislocated. Hip impact would shift his lower spine and leave him with severe sciatica. The forward lean without covering his face would allow the water to catch his upper lip and tear it from his gums. Hopefully the same wouldn’t happen to his eyelids. Pretty much guaranteed concussion. Oh, and a blown out eardrum.

    There was a quarry near our college and weekend drunks usually came home with one or more of the above conditions from the 60-90 ft. cliffs. Luckily my list only included the bruises and sciatica which took 4 months to heal.

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