This is probably the most most horrific pit bull story I’ve covered, yet.

Mom hospitalized after her 2 kids killed in pit bull attack

A Tennessee mother-of-two is now in stable condition with “stitches and bite marks over her entire body” after attempting to intervene when her two pit bulls mauled her toddlers to death Wednesday.

Kirstie Jane Bennard, 30, was severely injured by the dogs when she tried to pull them off of her 5-month-old boy, Hollace Dean, and 2-year-old girl, Lilly Jane, just outside of their home in Shelby County, Tennessee.

Both of the children were pronounced dead at the scene, according to a Twitter post made by Shelby County Sheriff’s Office.

The pets, Cheech and Mia, were a part of the family for more than eight years without a violent incident, Kelsey Canfield — best friend of Bennard — told Fox News Digital.

Tell me again how pit bulls are loving nanny dogs.

These were family pets for eight years that suddenly went pit bull and killed both of the family’s children.

Both of the family’s children.

This mother and father have to bury both of their children because of their family dogs.

I’m a dog person.  I have two dogs and two children.  I love my dogs.  I also have dogs with long breed histories of being great with children and not mauling them.

I continue to collect and archive stores of pit bull maulings.

I keep saying it over and over again.  Bring a pit bull near my children and I will shoot it.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Family pit bulls kill both family’s children”
  1. I always appreciate J.Kb.’s comments on the dangers of the Pitbull breed, they’re always spot on. But I would like to point out that in a majority of ‘Family Pitbull Attacks’, the parents of that family have almost always owned the Pitbull longer than they have had children. The inherent genetic mindset of the Pitbull breed is “loyalty based upon 100% affection to them first and only”. When a couple decides to have children after they have already established several years of a relationship with a Pitbull, the dog will be threatened by the children, viewing them as competition for the affection. The dog realizes that the love they once enjoyed is nowhere near the level it was at before the children arrived in the home—btw, a home which the dog believes they own and guard on behalf of the people who feed it and show affection to it. So, it acts rejected, emotionally hurt, and becomes unnaturally quiet. When this occurs, an attack will occur in the immediate future, when its owners are not close by.

    I’ve said it many times to clients who ask me which dog is best for their particular situation, and my answer is always the same when it comes to the Pitbull, “Don’t consider a Pitbull for a pet, they’re not pets, however they are a killing machine more dangerous than a loaded firearm with hair trigger in the hands of the unskilled.” You might feel like they are the most adorable dolls on the planet, but inside the nature of the Pitbull is a “Chucky” on steroids. Their jealously knows no bounds and they can’t be trusted. If they see the owner demonstrate affection to someone or something else, they will eventually if not immediately, target that something for extermination. They are an Apex Predator.

    A Pitbull is the perfect protector of fully secured family businesses when they are closed to the public. They are the perfect nighttime “Junk Yard Dog”, other than that application, they are the equivalent to having a full-grown hungry unpredictable lion in the house.

    1. I had two dogs before I had my kids. Both were Aussie Shepherd mixes. The dogs immediately latched onto the kids as members of the family. I guess a shepherd that sees new lambs as a threat to the heard isn’t a good shepherd. When my sin learned to walk, he’d pull himself up on one of the dogs. She tolerated that without a flinch. If pit bulls see new kids as a threat to the family, that’s more if a reason to take them out back and cap them before bringing the new baby home.

      1. Would it be possible for you you to do a pinned post linking to all your other posts on this subject? It’d be a great resource when we are arguing with idiots.

      2. I’d try to sell the dog to a business owner or give the dog to someone who knows how to handle the Pitbull breed. I’ve had two big pits, raised them from a baby and was single at the time…so I knew it would work. But not everyone is like me—a professional dog trainer, who can delegate significant time for the training a particular dog breed’s needs, in order to have an understanding of the level of responsible required to safely own, in this case a Pitbull.

  2. Something that strikes me. If both dogs had been with the family for more than eight years, then these were not young dogs. By that age – 8 or 9 – most dogs (in my experience anyway) begin to slow down, at least a bit, and calm down. (That said, our Aussie Shepherd is around seven and a half, and was doing puppy zoomies in the hallway yesterday, so your mileage may vary.)

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