This is the picture they are referencing.
Just a couple of days before, on Monday, firefighters responded to an apartment fire where they had to catch children being thrown out of upper story windows to get away from the flames. Nobody died in that fire.
Extraordinary moment as a firefighter catches a young child thrown from the third-story balcony of a burning building. Twelve people in all were saved from the fire.
— ABC News (@ABC) January 15, 2018
Not being a far left feminist magazine writer, I’d consider these firefighters, who risked their lives to save others, heroes. To the writers at, taking a picture of a dildo that you stuck in the snow, makes you a modern day hero.
I guess I prefer the classic definition than the modern one.
Now over to California.
Google has become infamous for it’s far left bias, to the point where it actively discriminates against anybody who is not far left. Apple is nearly as bad.
You would think that would buy Google and Apple some far Left credibility.
Apple and Google run a shuttle service between San Francisco and their offices to provide low carbon footprint way for their employees to get to work.
The locals HATE THE SHUTTLES. They are a sign of wealth and privilege.
Now the shuttles are being attacked on the highways.
Multiple shuttle buses carrying Apple and Google employees were hit by unknown objects in a targeted spree on Tuesday. California Highway Patrol is working with Apple to investigate.
Tech workers traveling to and from work on January 16 were startled when unknown objects — possible rocks or pellet guns, according to the CHP — struck their vehicles and broke windows. The incidents happened in both the morning and evening on both directions of Highway 280, between the cities of Woodside and Cupertino, where Apple is headquartered.
There are at least five reports of shuttle buses hit, with four buses carrying Apple employees and one bus carrying Google employees. No one was injured, the local Fox affiliate, KTVU reported.
It doesn’t matter how far left your politics are. It doesn’t matter how much you censor conservatives. If your employees make too much money, the rest of the far Left will hate you and attack you (and your employees) because that’s what politicizing envy does to people.
More socialist were killed by other socialists than anything else in history.
When a Google bus goes off the highway and into a ditch, I just hope a bunch of feminists with dildos show up to rescue them, because those are modern day heroes.
That woman is culturally appropriating the defining physical feature of my gender, and I for one am triggered and offended!
Damn! The leftists really don’t get this use of arms thing! You shoot the pellets out of the gun so you can use the gun again – which you can’t if you throw the pellet gun at the Apple bus. . . (sarcasm and ignorant, incompetent media, and editorial oversight call.)
When a Google bus goes off the highway and into a ditch, I just hope a bunch of feminists with dildos show up to rescue them, because those are modern day heroes.
So Google and Apple will be contracting “Cocks not Glocks” to provide security, then?