These are the numbers for the year 2019 and if the data taking is any indication, Lord knows what kind of shit parade will the FBI brings us next year for 2020.

Let’s go to the numbers: the total of firearms’ homicides for 2019 is 5, 214. The number of homicides committed with ANY kind of rifle? 216.

The number of homicides committed with knives? 689.  Vehicular Homicide? 411. Unknown non-firearm weapons? 428

So basically you can address a Gun Prohibitionist and tell them that his paring knife or box cutter is 3 times more dangerous than your AR 15 and demand that they remove all sharps from their home before you allow you children to play with theirs.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “FBI UCR 2019: Homicides with firearms reveal how bad “Assault Weapons” really are.”
  1. Does anybody know the FBI definition of an “Automatic Rifle” I find it hard to believe that there were 45 crimes committed with machine guns and 123 with machine pistols.

  2. You didn’t circle “Personal Weapons,” which is defined as “hands and feet.” Yes, more people are beaten or stomped to death than are killed with “assault weapons.” Let’s see Beto come and get them, too.

  3. I don’t recall ever seeing the “automatic” category before? That’s got to mean “semi-auto” right given the numbers.

    I mean, do genuine full-auto shotguns even exist?

    1. They do.

      But this is odd. I don’t really see such a high fraction of handgun assaults being committed with revolvers or derringers, compared to semi-autos; on the other hand full auto pistols are quite rare, so I don’t see how even that many would have been involved in an assault.

      I was wondering when I started to read the post, how long we can continue to trust the FBI’s crime stats.

      1. About as much as any sane person would trust the FBI for investigating any alleged crime in DC. About as much as you would trust James Comey or Andrew McCabe to honestly investigate anything.

    2. Yes, full auto shotguns exist. Most are military made and possessed. Overcoming the recoil problem was no small feat, unless you tripod/vehicle mounted it.

  4. Aren’t the FBI crime stats simply amalgamated from the arresting department? I find it easy to believe that there are some incorrectly identified weapons coming from particularly politically motivated, misinformed, or just plain dumb LEOs.

  5. I imagine the numbers seem odd because there’s a lot of unknowns. Half the firearms deaths are caused by “Firearms” which I’m guessing means they found a body with bullet holes but they can’t prove what made them. It’s the same with the Automatic category. Unless they recover the gun they can’t tell if it’s an AR or a bolt action varmint rifle. If the “Firearms” section breaks down at the same ratio as the Rifle/Pistol there are still about the same number of vehicles and more stabbings as Rifle deaths.

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