Biden’s Secretary of Education said parents are not the primary stakeholders for their children’s education.

Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe went even further at a debate:

The message is simple, parents who care about and want a say in their kids’ education are the enemy of the public education system, which clearly has its own agenda.

That’s why the Biden FBI is going to go after these parents as domestic terrorists.

I hope the normies are paying attention to this, because the Federal Government just told every parent on this country that their kids are not their kids but the government’s kids.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Federal Government indoctrination through schools was always the plan”
  1. I know an increasing number of parents who are opting to home school, and I only see that number increasing. As if the almighty state insisting on molding minds into something parents don’t approve of wasn’t enough, many districts are opting for extreme mental abuse by depersoning children with face masks, social distancing, and remote learning where teachers demand parents be forbidden from watching or listening. So, how long until the totalitarian overlords attempt to outlaw homeschooling? It’s the last hurdle to total societal conditioning.

    1. The way it is going, home education as well as private and parochial schools will be designated tools of domestic terrorism and outlawed as well. Praying this never happens, but the plan, as J Kb said, is to indoctrinate, and anything that prevents this is “terrorism” to them.

  2. They’re either opting for home schooling, or they’re getting involved at the local level with school boards. Neither bodes well for Leviathan, hence this response.

    Of course, this strikes me as a great way to radicalize even MORE normies against the regime.

    ‘Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.’

  3. I’ve said it before. The left and Democrats do not view human life as having any intrinsic value whatsoever except as an extrinsic resource to be used to keep and get more power. To them human life is literally worthless unless that life is being used as a resource for them for the state. Basically human beings are cattle to them.

    These people view human children as more of an investment, as property of the state. Literally a resource to keep and obtain more power. It makes sense that they do not want the parents to have any say in the raising of what they consider their livestock.

  4. I’m 66and watched the sabotage of the education system. Everything they did caused a drop in results, but they never UNDID anything, they just made more changes, all the while they claimed to want to Make things Better.

    Check out YouTube videos by this woman, who was ,IIRC, second in charge of the department of education.
    My question for her is
    How were you able to Watch this happen and do notschitt??

    Kinda like tossing a Molotov cocktail into a building, then pulling the alarm.
    That being true doesn’t mean it’s Not on fire.
    What our eyes have seen agrees with what she is saying.

  5. AG “Dodged the SCOTUS Bullet” Garland: “In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in … threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff….”

    As Wikipedia says, “[citation needed]”.

    The media is fully on the side of CRT, public schools (and public school unions), and the Administration.

    Right-wing threats of violence against Leftist school boards would be national news for weeks. “Domestic terrorists threaten school board members” would be a trending topic on every online platform everywhere.

    So where are the news reports on arrests? Where can I find out which jurisdictions have filed criminal charges for issuing threats against public officials?

    Why is this order from the AG the first I’m hearing about it?

    A reasonable person could be forgiven for thinking that there are no threats of violence; it’s a Narrative[TM]-driven lie so that the hyper-partisan Administration can bring the full force of the federal government to bear, just to bully some outspoken concerned parents. That thinking becomes even more reasonable when you see real instances of CRT supporters issuing actual threats of violence against those concerned parents.

    Call this another example of the old observation: Any accusation from the Left is actually a confession.

    1. As an aside, it’s also telling as to the mindset of the school boards, that parents and non-Leftist teachers asking hard questions and expecting answers — in the context of a school board meeting open to the public — is “harassment” and “intimidation”.

      If the school board members had any moral or ethical compass, they’d consider that if they’re this uncomfortable being asked these questions and giving those answers, maybe the board members are the bad guys.

      IOW, that uncomfortable feeling is not “domestic terrorism”; it’s their conscience. They should listen to it.

  6. Apparently it started with a letter from some bureaucrat club called called the “national association of school boards”:
    There are lots of claims in there, but a telling point is the oft-repeated lie that critical race theory isn’t being taught in public schools. Also, one paragraph talks about school boards “confronted by angry mobs and forced to end meetings abruptly” — which sounds like suppression of dissent.

    An obvious point a number of commentators have pointed out is that there is nothing whatsoever here that, even if it is real, is a Federal jurisdiction. If there is any criminal activity, it’s a simple state matter. The Feds have no place here, and the NASB is seriously wrong to claim otherwise. But then again, as school board weenies it isn’t surprising they should have only the dimmest grasp of law and Constitution, not to mention common decency.

    Last but not least, I’m reminded of the progressive notion that “silence is violence” so when the AG is talking about combating violence, does he mean real violence or does he mean silence? Or failure to toe the socialist line?

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