Among the things movers will not take are cleaning chemicals and flammables.

I am now going to be hauling a trailer full of guns, high capacity magazines, assault rifles, suppressors, switch blades, acetone, bleach, matches, alcohol, and gasoline.

All of it purchased and used 100% legally.

But fuck me if all piled together in a trailer it looks skeezy as hell.

I’m about ready to hire a Bandit to be my blocker.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Feloniunsness intensifies”
  1. What’s missing from this picture?
    Fertilizer is what! You need several 50-pound sacks of fertilizer!
    (That kind of fertilizer is hard to come by nowadays, but anyone searching your trailer is unlikely to know the difference.)

  2. Noyce! We will look for the mushroom cloud.. heh heh . Look on the bright side, you will have extra fuel…

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