The English have not been sufficiently disarmed.

A clerk in England fought off an armed robbery with chili powder.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened in the UK.

As reported by the BBC in 2018:

A shop whose assistant fended off three armed robbers by throwing chilli powder kept a box of the spice under the till after a previous theft.

The thieves, armed with a knife and two handguns, entered Baba Food City in Runfold Avenue, Luton, on Saturday.

A shop assistant, who does not want to be identified, grabbed the box and threw the powder in the direction of two robbers, who made off empty-handed.

It seems that other clerks and store owners have taken to doing the same thing.  Arming themselves with the only irritant they can get their hands on.

The problem is that in the UK, self-defense has been essentially outlawed.

Reporting on this particular incident states:

The store owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, has released the footage in a bid to highlight the crime but has not reported the matter to police.

As a result, West Midlands Police have declined to comment on the incident.

The store owner probably knows that what he did in the UK was illegal and that if he called the police and they found the robber, the store owner would be in worse trouble for weaponizing chili powder in self defense than the robber for trying to rob the store with a knife.

This is sad and pathetic and horrible all at the same time.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Fighting crime with condiments in England”
  1. “The thieves, armed with a knife and two handguns…”

    Somehow the thieves managed to break the law and acquire a knife and two handguns, in preparation to commit another crime. Who’da thunk?

    1. I suspect that a lot of the “handguns” used by criminals in the UK are either pellet guns or replicas purchased and modified to look real and not actual guns.

      1. Why would you think that? People get smuggled into Britain; guns certainly flow with them.

        1. Two Reasons:

          1) Guns are harder to come by in Europe, especially hand guns. Europe isn’t like the US where black market guns are usually stolen from the homes of citizens who purchased them legally but didn’t store them securely. Fewer citizens have handguns. So black market handguns are going to be more expensive, out of the price range of a common convenience store robber.

          2) I read about a lot of robberies at gun point but very few of these robbers actually shoot anyone.

          My suspicion tells me that most Britons have never seen a gun and are scared to death of them. So a low grade scum bag convenience store robber can get a lot of millage out of a much easier to come by replica or modified Airsoft gun and scare a lot of clerks into emptying the till without the expense and risk of carrying an actual functioning firearm.

  2. Ghost pepper is well suited for this application. (Supposedly it was originally created by the Indian army…)

    1. All Indian spices are chemical weapons of the most horrific type, designed to debilitate an enemy by causing paralyzing gastrointestinal distress.

      1. That’s harsh.

        Personally, I prefer the colon cleansing I can receive after a good hot curry. Much better than all those chemical filled solutions you find in the drug store.

      2. “De gustibus non est disputandum” Personally, I like those things. We keep a jar of dried ghost pepper flakes on the dining table to sprinkle on things like pizza or mac & cheese.

        1. I like some spicy foods. I’m game for the occasional round of hot wings. But I come from a long family history of inflammatory bowel disease. I am not sure what is in curry but there is something I have an allergy to.

          Even mild curry will case me to suffer horribly for days on end. Not just pain and uncontrollable shitting, but actual blood. I even smell curry and my guts start to get very unhappy with me.

  3. This has been going on for years, more prevalent now. I was there in 1978 and a fella heard a woman screaming for help. He went to her aid and got arrested for his chivalry. Good example of the british mind- piers morgan- pompous know it all. Fuk em

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