The Firearms Policy Coalition is a pro-freedom and pro-gun rights group that is getting fucking dragged by the Right because it failed to read the room and shut the fuck up when it was necessary.

This started in response to a story I covered the other day.

There was a “kid friendly drag show” in Texas.

For everyone who isn’t a radical Leftist or a pedophile, there us no such thing as a “kid friendly drag show.”

There was video of children stuffing dollars into the cleavage of a drag queen dressed like a unicorn.

Antifa with a local chapter of the John Brown Gun Club showed up with ARs and tactical gear to serve as body guards for pedophile drag queens due to threats from the Right.

I have taken the position that I am not longer defending the gun rights of Leftists.  It’s clear that want to use their guns against me, just as much as I want to use my guns against them.

The difference is they won’t fight for my gun rights even if I fight for theirs.

Also, Leftist politicians don’t punish them for breaking gun laws but do punish us even when we use our guns legally.

See the Kyle Rittenhouse trial vs all the Antifa who shot at cars while illegally blocking traffic.

If the law is not applied equally, I have no obligation to fight for equal rights.

The FPC took the traditional approach of equality under the law.  Noble but stupid given that they were defending Antifa protecting a pedophile drag show.


It just went down hill from there.


Then the memes began.


Yeah, it’s not a good look.

Now, to be fair, I get it.

I used to be one of these principled small government conservatives.

I believe in equal protection under the law and all that shit.

But I’ve been pushed from that into Pinochetism.

I am tired of watching the advance of the radical Left over the culture.

I never thought that I’d live in a country where the official policy of the majority political party includes performing mastectomies and genital mutilations on teenagers because of identity politics or would defend the exposure of children to grotesque public sexual displays.

But here we are.

We may have all died of COVID in 2020 and this is hell, who knows.

Nevertheless, I’m not going to fight for the right of pedophiles to groom and molest children from behind armed communists who have a history of engagement in political violence.

That seems to be the attitude of a lot of people on the Right.

No more polite and noble loses as our principles are weaponized against us.

The FPC is welcome to stand by their principles but when that has them defending the right of pedophiles to groom and molest children from behind armed communists who have a history of engagement in political violence, perhaps the smartest course of action is to shut the fuck up and not come out swinging for the pedophile communists.

Or you get fucking dragged on the internet.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Firearms Policy Coalition is a lesson in STFU”
  1. We may have all died of COVID in 2020 and this is hell, who knows.
    Quote of the day… no the year/century.
    I am using that, everywhere I can and as often as I can.

  2. I’m gonna start with the foul, demeaning language. The way I was raised, that’s just a sign of low-class, ill-educated morons who cannot make good use of the language.
    At this point, that’s the kind of language I usually associate with Leftists who have run out of arguments and thus resort to insults.

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