I was a huge Arnold fan.

Both his action movies of the 80’s and 90’s and his bodybuilding.  The documentary Pumping Iron got me interested in weight lifting when I saw it in high school and I’ve been into it ever since.

Now he does this:

That got #Kristallnacht trending on Twitter.

Yeah, I bet that motherfucker is familiar with Kristallnacht since his dad probably helped organize it.

He should know how un-fucking-reasonable this comparison is.

The Nazis and the German rioters targeted the Jews for being an ethnic and religious minority.  Anti-Semitism was the motivation.  It was the beginning of what would end with the attempted genocide of the Jews in Europe.

Agree or disagree with the storming of the Capitol, it was not an attempt at the genocide of an oppressed minority that had all of their rights taken away.

This is a lazy way of calling people he doesn’t like “Nazis.”

This was fucking attorcious.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “F**k you, Governator”
  1. He has it backwards. Kristallnacht was Brownshirts destroying the property of private citizens, because those citizens were being targeted and designated as “unpersons” to be destroyed. This was followed later by the Reichstag fire, which was blamed on Communists headed by Jewish leaders The Reichstag was the German equivalent to the US Capitol building. It was this fire that caused Hitler to be granted emergency powers in order to deal with the Jews “once and for all.”

    If anything, the Antifa/BLM riots are more analogous to Kristallnacht, and Wednesday’s incident being our Reichstag fire. The Democrats faux outrage and targeting of the right is their response. It will get worse.

    1. Exactly. As I remember, wasn’t ever so righteous arnold shtupping the maid while he was married? A true stand up guy. I guess his level of steroid intake affected his judgement a long time ago. When I think of “Hollywood tool” his face will now be on the page, like a high school yearbook of ignorant tone deaf Hollywood douches…

      1. You are correct, but the my point that he has the good guys and bad guys backwards remains. Mea culpa on the timeline.

        1. I thought so.
          I also referred to the incident in the capitol as the “Reichstagsbrand”.

          And given how they’re milking it (even here in Germany!) I see no reason to correct that statement.

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