TALLAHASSEE — With top law enforcement officers and legislative Republicans by his side, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced his support for a sweeping crackdown on what he called “unlawful assemblies” statewide.

DeSantis on Monday announced proposals to the Legislature that would include enhanced penalties for protesters who block traffic and protesters who participate in “disorderly assemblies.” People who gather in ways the government deems illegal will be subject to felony charges, DeSantis said.

DeSantis proposes crackdown on protesters, penalties to cities that ‘defund’ police


And for the “woke” municipalities:

DeSantis also attacked calls to “defund” the police, saying any municipality that moves to do so would lose any state funding. “Defund” can mean many different things, but DeSantis said what will be prohibited is any municipality that singles out a law enforcement agency “disproportionately” for cuts.

In a state where Hurricanes are a concern 7 months a year, the threat of state funding being cut off just for that is enough to scare the butt hairs out of any elected politician. And trying to defund LE Agencies in a state where probably half of them are heavily populated by minorities is just simply political posturing and trying to gain brownie points for re-election.

Well done, Governor.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Florida: DeSantis shoots across the bow of Antifa/BLM”
  1. A thought about the whole “defund” thing.

    If I were cynical, I would wonder whether or not this is, in some city concillors’ minds, simply a sneaky way to try to transfer some a municipality’s budgetary expense over to the county or state. After all, if Sugarbeet City no longer has its own police, then, well, shouldn’t the county or state LEOs take on the burden?

    1. Of course that’s what it is. Look at Chicago — the budget for their schools keeps going up, the teachers union gets a new contract in days — with better benefits — while the police have been working for year without a contract, the city’s reducing the police budget *AND* trying to change state law so police have fewer rights when accused than a criminal. They want to transfer liability to the individual officers — while maintaining sovereign immunity for the rest of the government.

  2. “Well done, Governor.”
    Yes indeed. 🙂

    I can already hear the local commitard newsies furiously typing their rebutal articles, using old & busted DemonKKKrat narrative guides. But they will end up beclowning themselves, again. They never learn. SMH

  3. Our Governor is Awesome In FL!! I just hope that his bill passes committees and gets a vote on the House Floor when they all start back in session next March! We all need to make sure that there is positive representation in all three committees so it gets passed that process. Please contact your House and Senate Reps and let them know that We Floridians Support this Bill going FORWARD!! Our Governor is a Great Man who Loves this State and its People but he can only do so much, We the People need to stand along side of him to help!!! Make sure you start pushing your House and State Senators after the election to get this all passed with UNANIMOUS SUPPORT from We the People of the Great State of Florida!!!

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