Early Voting and Mail-In.

Republicans: 3,404,080
Democrats: 3,512,,211
Others:  124, 949
No Party Affiliation: 2,629,832

Many more votes than in the last presidential election, but almost the same proportions as in November 4th 2016.

We have not won this one yet and we cannot count NPAs will go our way.

If you haven’t voted yet, please do so. 

This is not theatrical exaggeration: The faith and future of the republic depends on you.

Short of an emergency, I am shutting myself down for the day or at least till Florida is called. My guess somewhere around 10 PM or so.


I went back and compared numbers of the Mai In for both elections. The Democrats in less than four years managed to acquire over one million voters via Mail In.

And still they only hold the same razor-thin, recount-triggering advantage.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Florida Early & Mail In Numbers (UPDATE: Margin of Cheating found?)”
  1. My vote cast, my wife voted at the same time. We were there 5 minutes before polls opened. We were on the road 25 minutes later, lines down to nearly non-existent.

    Harris/biden signs on the lines but close to 100ft from entrance. More Dem’s with signs show up and set up within 25ft. Cops ignore. I report to poll worker who gets the cops to move them. By the time I’m out another group is standing between the two doors waving thier signs.

    Got home, called the cops. Get a message from chief that he is down at polling location making sure that his guys are making sure that three last is followed.

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