General Bill by Sabatini (CO-SPONSORS) Hill; McClain; Sirois. Carrying of Firearms: Removes requirement that license to carry concealed firearm is required in order to carry such firearm; limits areas in which concealed carrying of firearm is prohibited; revises criminal penalties; revises provisions relating to carrying of concealed weapons by nonresidents; provides for issuance of concealed carry licenses for reciprocity purposes; specifies that person not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing firearm may own, possess, & lawfully use firearms & other weapons, ammunition, & supplies for lawful purposes.

In the Criminal Justice Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee and Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee.


Read the Text of the Bill.

The bill to make you all warm/fuzzy.
-Reduces the penalty fro carrying in a prohibited place from a Felony to a Misdemeanor (exception for mandatory evacuation included.)
-Florida recognizes all States’ CWP, not just the ones from States that accept ours.
-Removing any possible penalty for legally carrying in a pharmacy.
-Cleans the language on legally carrying any firearm in a conveyance.
-Open Carry of firearms.

And a couple of other things I will leave to experts.  And you were getting tired and thinking “Is it only bad bills this year?” Pretty much yes, I think there is another couple of good bills, so yes, 202o sucks

Florida Gun Rights 2020 – HB 273 – Carrying of Firearms – GOOD BILL

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Florida Gun Rights 2020 – HB 273 – Carrying of Firearms – GOOD BILL”
  1. Except for “Florida recognizes all States’ CWP, not just the ones from States that accept ours.”
    I think this is a good Bill.

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