No, I am not making it up. The5re is actually a moron walking in the halls of Tallahassee that believes in prohibiting people the Right to Defend Themselves.
HB 6035 – Use or Threatened Use of Deadly Force
General Bill by Hinson
Use or Threatened Use of Deadly Force: Removes provisions allowing use or threatened use of deadly force to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm or to prevent imminent commission of forcible felony.
The text is here and not very long:

Meet the genius:
I may have mentioned it once or twice before in the course of this blog: Make Self-Defense illegal and the guns become legally useless and even a liability. Of course, that the bad guys will have a field day with people is not a bug but a feature: Nothing controls a population better than sheer fear of being raped and murdered. And having criminals doing it for the government is fiscally responsible.
After our side worked so hard to get the “or threatened use” added to Section 2, to cover drawing but not shooting (which used to be charged as “brandishing” even when done in self-defense), they’re just going to nuke the whole section from orbit.
Legal maneuvering with “Progressives” will always escalate to scorched-earth tactics. But where they used to “take their ball and go home”, now they “take your ball and de-platform you so you can’t respond”.
At that point, you are faced with a choice: Allow a bad guy to kill you, or shoot and run.
Of course the state Constitution says this:
The right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and of the lawful authority of the state shall not be infringed, except that the manner of bearing arms may be regulated by law.
So I don’t know how the courts will view a law like that.
Probably the same way they view all the other unconstitutional laws, with a wink and a nod.
The number of politicians, in all three (or more) branches combined, that seriously honor and obey the Constitution can be counted on the fingers of a few hands. Or, perhaps, just the thumbs.
I often mention the example of the judicial notion of “strict scrutiny” which is said to help ensure no unconstitutional things get done to us. But actually when you look at what “strict scrutiny” means, it translates to “if the government wants to do something the plain English of the Constitution prohibits, they need to have a good excuse for doing so”. (There is also “intermediate scrutiny”, which merely requires any old non-ridiculous excuse.)
The notion of “what part of Shall not be infringed did you not understand” never seems to come up in these minds.
The idjit isn’t even original with this crap-for-brains idea. Texas State Rep Terry Meza ‘pre-filed’ an almost identical bill.
I don’t know if these morons actually believe in their proposed legislation, or if they’re really doing nothing more than trolling their state’s populations as a form of ‘fuck you’.
Does it matter, really?
People like this should be removed from office. Period. They’re either too dishonest, or too stupid, to be in those positions.
In addition they should be prosecuted, convicted, and seriously jailed for felony perjury (of their oath of office to protect & defend the Constitution). When in doubt, add treason as an additional charge.