General Bill by Tuck (CO-SPONSORS) Sabatini
Protection of Constitutional Firearms Rights: Designates act “Second Amendment Preservation Act”; declares specified actions to be infringements of constitutionally protected rights concerning firearms; declares such actions to be void & of no effect; provides duties of courts & law enforcement agencies concerning such actions; prohibits public servants & others from certain acts; provides civil liability for such acts; making certain individuals ineligible for employment in law enforcement if they have engaged in specified actions

Read the Text.

Just like in other states, it is a Second Amendment Preservation bill. I want this one to become law so much. Why? Because it comes with some teeth because it allows you to sue the crap out of a violator.

A person who knowingly violates paragraph (a) or otherwise knowingly deprives a law-abiding citizen of the rights or privileges ensured by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. 8, Art I of the State Constitution, while acting under the color of any state or federal law, shall be liable to the injured party in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.

But wait, that is not all!

(a) A person while acting as an official, agent, employee, or deputy of the Federal Government, or while otherwise acting under the color of federal law in the state shall be permanentl ineligible for employment as a law enforcement officer or to supervise law enforcement officers for the state or any political subdivision of the state,

So, if you get all stupid but want to work in Florida after, you should either move to other state, get a real-state license or learn to code because you will be forbidden to get a job in Law Enforcement in our state.

This is a first good step.

(Yes, that was on purpose)

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Florida legislature 2021: HB 1205 Protection of Constitutional Firearms Rights.”
  1. Well hot dog, on first read that seems both positive and needed. Steppers don’t want to get the carrot then they get the stick.

    On second read I started getting excited and would love to see this used as a spring board towards addressing asset forfeiture laws and practices.

  2. Hot dog! I hope we clean house in Virginia this fall, and, if so, I will propose this bill to my state rep. She’s a gung-ho pro 2A!

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